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The only bailout of this punishment, is your immediate conversion to the grand religion that is Pastafarianism!
The only bailout of this punishment, is your immediate conversion to the grand religion that is Pastafarianism!
Kill Records - as of December 2010 -  
Psychotic Diary of Death Entries - As Of December 2010 -  
* 21/12/2010 - 21:11
Dear psychotic diary of death, today I caught that no-good kid, Mark Walberg, playing with my toys!<br>
Time and again, I find myself defending my dear bag of toys from annoying, sticky-fingered, kids trying to have their own fun with it!<br>
All is fine with others having their fun, but not without me!<br>
Well, me being the nice person that I am, I just couldn't refuse at least a little play!<br>
So it was, that I played with him, until I simply had to go, I placed all the toys back in my bag, threw it over my shoulder, and took off on my way to who knows where, to do good deeds there.<br>
I am sorry, Mark, that I was not able to finish our game, but so is life what can I say?<br>
That's it for now, my psychotic diary of death!<br>
* 20/12/2010 - 23:27  
* 20/12/2010 - 23:27  

Revision as of 19:21, 21 December 2010

Welcome to my awesome little records page! This is where I'll be slowly moving my kill records to.

Who I am? I'm ziv, a.k.a, D4rkH4wk.
Affiliation? I don't affiliate. I kill.

I played some UD back in 2007, as a pro-survivor in the Caiger Mall area, trying to help out with some sort of mini-siege we had at the time,
Returned to play UD in 2008, as a pro-survivor again, and afair, on DHPD, for a while...
Returned to play again in 2009 as a trigger happy Bounty-Hunter, again for awhile.
And now, I've returned once more in 2010, this time, as a PKer! :D

Enemies? Non! I have no enemies, only good friends I play with all the time!... Oh, killing doesn't count? :<

I am currently promoting the great religion that is Pastafarianism... and cookies! But only chocolate chip ones!
If you feel offended by said religion, do let me know and something will be done about it.
- licks his butcher knife -
If you feel offended by cookies, I suggest you **** and **** your ******** *** *****, good day!

Notice to the TZH: You have been found guilty of being a bunch'a lamers of the lowest degree and going against the Pastafarian religion!
By the power invested in me, as a PKing trigger-happy bastard, I here by sentence you to be my current object of interest.
As with any object of my interest, I will explore different methods of killing with your help(a.k.a deaths).

The only bailout of this punishment, is your immediate conversion to the grand religion that is Pastafarianism!

Psychotic Diary of Death Entries - As Of December 2010 -

  • 21/12/2010 - 21:11

Dear psychotic diary of death, today I caught that no-good kid, Mark Walberg, playing with my toys!
Time and again, I find myself defending my dear bag of toys from annoying, sticky-fingered, kids trying to have their own fun with it!
All is fine with others having their fun, but not without me!
Well, me being the nice person that I am, I just couldn't refuse at least a little play!
So it was, that I played with him, until I simply had to go, I placed all the toys back in my bag, threw it over my shoulder, and took off on my way to who knows where, to do good deeds there.
I am sorry, Mark, that I was not able to finish our game, but so is life what can I say?
That's it for now, my psychotic diary of death!

  • 20/12/2010 - 23:27

Dear psychotic diary of death, today I committed an evil act of cruelty.
Thanks to the ill-regard of a random passerby to the "Sacred Grounds" spray in the RP I was using, I ended up very low on APs, Why, only early today did I manage to get the strength to stand once more, and already my body tires again.
Well, as BlindNinja and I had discovered, no amount of exhaustion or lack of ammo, will keep me from my favorite games!
By some form of divine fortune, I stumbled upon BlindNinja in search of a new hideout, This fine lad had just 8HP and I just 2AP, I simply could not resist!
Foul, evil, to kill such a young lad, I have been told as much, and normally would not look his way unless blood thirst crazes me.
This time, was once such time.
Unable to resist the urge to waste my last 2 APs killing and dumping the body, I did just that, and with a single shotgun hit - even I was surprised happened - the lad had turned from Human to Zombie, and with a quick toss, someone else`s problem.
I suppose such is fate, some times cruel, sometimes funny. Some would say this was both!
Dear psychotic diary of death, I do wonder... Would BlindNinja, by any chance, be related to that Blind Box person?
Well, people such as myself rarely care enough to check.

Until next time!

  • 17/12/2010 - 19:04

Dear psychotic diary of death, today I make my first entry, so I need to update you on things!
7/12/2010 -
I remember waking up with a horrible feeling, my trigger finger felt rusty!
Obviously, I could not let such a thing go on!
So, I went and searched around the place which I had gone to sleep in, an year ago, for that favorite crimson substance of mine, BLOOD!
I found it, thank the flying spaghetti monster, and so I quickly had as much of it as I could from this strangely un-responsive person called RHagen.
Such strong sleep.
Sadly, misfortune was upon me when I played my little game of People Shooting People, or PSP as I call it, with RHagen, and so I was left with too few toys to play with others!
9/12/2010 -
A day came, and with it new toys, and another day came and brought with it short traveling to a place where I had found two less then fashionably acceptable people.
These two, Blind Box and Dr Harry Dick, the first for wearing a gas mask, which I consider a horribly disgusting and ugly thing, with a firefighter's helmet no less! and the other for just wearing too much, I decided they needed immediate fashion advices, along with an explanation of the Malton Dress Code.
Sadly, I do not possess the skill to fix THAT, so I quickly sent them to seek help among the torn-cloths-wearing zombie community.
Hopefully, their horrible attire will be torn to shreds as well.
10/12/2010 -
Today I found a person that angered me.
I wanted to know who Tyrsen was, so into his profile page I went, and in it I found something called a "Mjöllnir"! Immediately I was angered, WTF is a "Mjöllnir"?!
Such was my anger that I had decided I will not share my toys with this person, and so, I killed him with a punch.
13/12/2010 -
The days following my angry outburst were spent making my way over to a group of very interesting individuals, after having found out where they were currently playing.
Truly, these man and woman - putting aside the horribly annoying mechanism called AnimeBot24-7 - are great at the games I love most, and carry a variety of shiny toys they play with.
It came as no surprise really, when I had decided I must join the games and, hey, if tenamautomatic's shirt was reddened a little, it was not my fault!
Alright... maybe it wasn't just a little... And maybe it was sort'a my fault... But hey! It was fun!
15/12/2010 -
Stoned as I was, amazed I was to find a fellow stoned, and so I checked his profile!
Sadly, it was not to be, for this stoned person was a part of that horribly uncool croup called Team Zombie Hardcore.
Respecting his wish not to be shot... well semi-respecting, I had decided to take advantage of the empty bottle of beer I had been carrying for a while now and help dont shoot im stoned's inner beauty come out, if there even was one, mashing it over his 1hp'ed head.
Sadly, I being stoned myself, it took quite a lot of swings to land a hit on the ever elusive head, being pin-size and airy, but in the end the bottle hit, and I stumbled my way to the nearest bed.
17/12/2010 -
Today I saw lame incarnate, and it's name was Mark Walrus - I mean, Whalberg... -, Such a find could not be ignored! Not at all, even with tenamautomatic seating there next to him, calmly sleeping away.
Having made my decision, I promptly dumped my bag of toys, opened it up and started exercising carelessness with some of the toys within, leading to some interestingly shaped blood stains on the PD's carpet.
Dear psychotic diary of death, that's all I have to share with you for now, I shell write in you again soon, 'promise!

Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.

This user supports PKer rights!
