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I want to speak to you.

'''Q: Why are you at war with the DEM?  Honestly...I'm starting to think it's just 'cause you were bored, and like to shoot stuff.'''
'''Q: Why are you at war with the DEM?  Honestly...I'm starting to think it's just 'cause you were bored, and like to shoot stuff.'''

Revision as of 23:26, 15 October 2008

Creedy Guerrilla Raiders

The Front - History - Volunteer - Propaganda - FAQ - Forums

I want to speak to you.

Q: Why are you at war with the DEM? Honestly...I'm starting to think it's just 'cause you were bored, and like to shoot stuff.

A: You really need to ask? But because some crazy new recruit of ours said we suck at PR, and really needed to better publicize our reasoning, here goes. This list is more a summary of diverse reasons than anything else. Some of us care very strongly about one or two of the points below; others don't actually give a damn either way.

  • The DEM is the closest thing to a citywide government in UD. They RP as a governmental organization, and they're the only group that tries to spread themselves (and their preferred style of play) simultaneously over the whole city. We RP a revolutionary guerilla warfare group. What you should be asking is what many of us did some time ago: "Why isn't the CGR PKing the DEM?"
  • We oppose the DEM's attempts to homogenize Malton by their size and widespread influence. We think they're currently the greatest threat to small group order in Malton.
  • We disagree with the DEM's alt policy (which is one of the ways they've gained such size and influence). Kevan may be OK with their policy; we aren't. And you'll find a lot of other players aren't either. Even if your alts are in three different "groups" of the DEM, they're still supporting and furthering the DEM's specific goals and policies. And no other "alliance" advertises as one group, or forces all its members from all its groups through a homogenizing academy.
  • The DEM refuses to respect the blacklists and anti-PK/anti-GK measures of local groups -- the very groups they claim to be there to help. They pressure other groups to adopt their preferred policies. They support only the RG system...which may work well enough for their own members, but which doesn't best suit the interests of many other survivor groups.
  • DEMON. Its AutoScout component (IMP) gives them an unfair technological advantage over other groups. We kill to protest and to force an end to it.
  • On a more minor note: they're inefficient. They leech off the hard work of other groups. You want to do the most good for Malton? You want to proactively make a difference for the survivor cause? Don't join the DEM core.
  • Ok, you got us. Sometimes we really do just like to shoot things dead.

If you're a veteran player, you've probably heard those first six things 50 times before. And if you're new to the game...welcome to Malton politics.

Q: ZOMG! You guys just killed a level 2 newbie recruit! Have you no shame? No honor!?

A: In all No shame, at least. Though the honor's questionable, too. We're sticklers for some things; you'll never see us running around without "Creedy Guerilla Raiders" in our group tag, for instance. But when it comes new players -- any member of any group we're at war with is fair game. You join a group, you take the heat. Sure, we can shout propaganda at new folks all day long. But combining the shouting with bullets tends to get people's attention a lot faster, and make them think a bit more seriously. It also tends to make them hate us, but we can deal with that.

Also: any DEM member can auto-scout us if they're alive. Doesn't matter if they're level 1, or level 41. So if you really wanted to stretch things, you could say that we're doing it as a valid -- if inordinately ruthless -- countermeasure. Depending on how much of an escalation you think auto-scouting is, you can decide if that argument holds any water.

Q: You window dived on me? LAAAAAME!

A: No -- SMAAAART. Sometimes we window dive. Sometimes we hide. Sometimes we stand in crowded malls and let folks kill us. We try to be efficient and get the job done, and depending on what we're trying to accomplish, all may be valid tactics. We're not in the PKing business to joke around and play cat and mouse with the folks hunting us.