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Revision as of 01:49, 11 June 2009

Basic Info

Join Date: 2009-03-26 01:55:49
Class: Military
Group: One Man & His Dog
Current Status: Dead

Even More Info

Just a lone soldier in the middle of a zombie out break. I help out where I can and despite starting out as a medic, I've developed into more of a scouting role, checking and reporting on building status so we all can have a safe place to sleep.

Huntley Heights Scout Map

Current News

June 9, 2009

Finished scouting western and southern Huntley. A total of 32 buildings today. Western Huntley is in the best shape that I have ever seen it in. Also, just to piss with the Well Hungarians, I repaired and recaded St. Elizabeth's.

June 8, 2009

Got a little bit of scouting down in north west Huntley; mostly just got restocked on ammo.

Old News

June 6, 2009

Finished up at Vicari NT and back at St. Matt's to look for some more FAKs.

June 5, 2009

Got resupplied on FAKs, for a while at least. While working my way through north east Huntley, I found a lot of wounded survivors and ended up using most of my new found stash. Oh well, after I'm done at the NT, I'll have to get some more FAKs.

June 4, 2009

On a positive note, the zed outside Parry took the bait and moved onto Schandua, on the downside, it's ruined again. Scouted out south eastern Huntley today and it is still pretty much over run. I saw somewhere around twelve zed roaming the streets. I moved onto St. Matt's to resupply on FAKs.

June 3, 2009

Parry Drive has changed hands a couple of more times. It is currently in our possession. I fixed up Schandua Bank, hopefully, that will give them something else to chew on for a while.

June 2, 2009

My plans for the day were foiled by another break in Parry Drive, had to go evict two more zed from the premises and patch up one seriously wounded survivor.

June 1, 2009

Didn't get any scouting in today. The Amos Building was down to LB so I got the cades back up. The power's out in the factory so I spent some time looked for some fuel. Didn't find any, so I went and repaired and recaded Parry Drive Fire Station instead.

May 31, 2009

All stocked up, and back to scouting. North eastern Huntley Heights looks like it has taken a beating, but is holding for now.

May 30, 2009

Made it over to St. Spyridon's Hospital. Got in a good day of FAK searching, should be fully stocked by tomorrow.

May 29, 2009

Today's search went much better, now that I am fully stocked on ammo I need to find a working hospital so I can round up some FAKs. If I can do that maybe I can get back into the scout buisness.

May 28, 2009

Spent a pretty fruitless day searching for ammo. Hopefully the PD will still be there tomorrow so I can look for more.

May 27, 2009

Finally been able to get out a bit and things are not looking pretty, scouted 43 buildings today and most of them have been ruined. The western half of Huntley Heights is pretty much gone.

May 26, 2009

Been unable to get out much for the last couple of days. Zed break ins are becoming common and have been spending most of my time shoring up the cades.

May 24, 2009

More and more zed are moving into eastern Huntley Heights, buildings are falling right and left. Spent the day recading empty buildings to piss them off.

May 23, 2009

Large zed incursion from the south east has been keeping me busy the last couple of days, current intel is that Dowdney Mall is being hit also.

May 18, 2009

In a true marathon of scouting, I checked out the status of twenty-nine buildings today and man am I tired.

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