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| Hey! Where ya been? --[[User:Gabby|Gabby]] 06:23, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
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| Yo, I been busy with stuff. How'd you know I was back? I;m just getting back into my old ways, you know... Making Wyke Hills my Bitch. --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 08:22, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
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| How'd I know? Well I was hoping you came back soon and you told me you would but I am no longer a WC member the group fell apart.. --[[User:Gabby|Gabby]] 06:29, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
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| Yeah. I noticed WC is no more. I havent figured out what exactly what Im going to do yet. I've already killed 3 people, but there was no gain in it.... I'm staying in Wyke tho. Know anyone that needs a good repeated killings? lol --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 01:06, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
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| *Lol, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. As much as I am supposed to extremely hate you, you make me laugh. Alot. All in all, I think all the damn attention's going to your head, and pretty soon someone's gonna pop it. I don't think I actually hate you though; you've instantly made a game that you can basically only play for a half an hour or less a day MUCH more interesting by getting all of these "we must annhilate any PK threats" guys all in a fit. Very fun. Of course, I've got to go along and do my best to kill the fuck out of you, but Wyke Hills is very much alive right now because of you. Kind of like the U.S.'s reaction to 9/11. One question though: You speak basically as if your acting alone, so how are you going to get a revive without cheating via playing multiple characters? Just wondering. -TastyBeverage of the HWC
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| *See, this is what I always told people. Wyke '''needs''' me. I'm glad finally someone can appritiate that! But you aren't accusing me of cheating are you? This might sound like a surprise to you but "people like me" can have friends too. You know, If people would just shut up and do what I say for once, you might get to know a kinder McSkeets. This is my game face dude.... However, I will get a revive just like everyone else and I am acting, if not alone, then completely independantly.
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| I've said enough about that. I see this as an opportunity to meet my fellow neighbors in Wyke. Anyone is welcome to post anything. You always have been. --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 01:19, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
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| *Fair enough. I appreciate the honesty. I was just wondering though - what is it that you ask for? I'd heard you wanted Ackland to be left alone and all, but that's not such a big deal. Nobody should be PK'ing you just cuz you wanted a base. Hell, You even gave us fair warning. I guess I'm just curious about what it is you want for Christmas here in Wyke, my friend.
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| Thanks for being so hospitable, too. I'll let everyone know that if they wanna discuss shit or get a hold of ya, all they have to do is come here. I'll give you fair warning, though - Don't be surprised if you get ALOT of angry people with their righteous indignation posting some pretty mean shit here. You can handle it, though. --[[User:TastyBeverage|TastyBeverage]] 00:19, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Heck, all I really ever wanted to live my life out peacefully... LOL! Just Kidding. This right here is what I want, Tasty. What I am doing is its own reward....--[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 03:48, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Post again if you need to, SilverTounge. --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 18:49, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
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| I will admit I stepped out of line there, I have removed the message posted by me on the Wyke Hills page but have gotten a screen shot of it for future reference. however I have to make my point clear I am a fair person I was in fact waiting for you at Ackland auto repair for about three days. when I first heard you were in Wyke. however since I have been reading you "News" and you saying we poke into others affairs that is not true in fact that we mostly keep to ourselves and only help when it is requested of us by another group we are not all High and Mighty we are simply trying to keep a suburb safe you want to see high and mighty look at the DEM. and we don't think were immune to you at all in fact we hold you as a high threat to us as we know what you are capable of and have heard about you a fair bit. so I'll make you a deal you want Ackland auto it's all yours on the condition that you leave my group and it's respective allies alone. I'm not interested in a fight, especially not with you.--[[User:GarretThe Thief|Sharline Jade]] 04:49, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Firstly, theres no hard feelings. I understand fustration very well. I will consider editing my response from my own news page. I was out of line myself for the language I used. I appritiate your comments and see it as a sign of good leadership. I am going to consider your terms and post again in the morning.--[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 05:20, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Thank you, as you may or may not know we recently had a lot of trouble from another group of pk'ers (the Group redrum and an individual George castanza) and things have been hell out here and with the announcement of your return has put alot of people in an uneasy situation.--[[User:GarretThe Thief|Sharline Jade]] 16:15, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Yeah, I know who Red Rum and Castanza are. I have yet to associate myself with either. Dont know if I ever well. So.... Unfortunately, I can not agree to your terms. Heres why.... Allies of TAR is a wide range of people. You could even say most of Wyke Hills population "could" be considered allied with TAR. Agreeing would end my war and there wouldnt be many people to kill. How about this.... I will not harass, kill, slander, or interfere with any TAR member that has TAR in their profile(dead or alive). I will not spitefully re-tag sprays that belong to TAR, I will not interefere with any revive operations you have running now or future. All I ask for is same in return. Agree and we can peacefully co-exist. Disagree, well... thats fine too! I can really go both ways on this, so the ball is in your court. --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 17:09, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| I am Discussing it with the rest of my group and it's allies, this may take a few hours to a day or so. Ultimitly the decision is mine but I want the opinions of the rest of my group and allies as this decision will change how things work in Wyke.--[[User:GarretThe Thief|Sharline Jade]] 17:37, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *Sure, take your time. TAR is not really high priority target for me so I can wait a few days. --[[User:B D McSkeets|B D McSkeets]] 18:42, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
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| *I am sorry to announce that we will not be accepting the offer for peace. I only ask that you not discriminatingly harass us because of this. happy hunting to you and I'm sure we'll get you a few times too. [[user:GarretThe Thief|Sharline Jade]]
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