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In this city, there are no ranks, no government, no safe place. It’s just the war against humans and zombies. And in this war, one must prove to be the victor. Jude, now with the SoC, plans to begin another chapter of his life. To fight gloriously with those of valor and honor. And to die fighting for the right cause.
In this city, there are no ranks, no government, no safe place. It’s just the war against humans and zombies. And in this war, one must prove to be the victor. Jude, now with the SoC, plans to begin another chapter of his life. To fight gloriously with those of valor and honor. And to die fighting for the right cause.

Revision as of 11:30, 30 November 2009

Jude Law's story was not a pretty one. Starting off life with a family so very involved with the military, he hardly had a choice for a career change. He was practically taught all throughout his life to live by the code of the military. He was raised in a catholic background as well as his education being revolved around highly pretentious educations. He graduated with just enough to be accepted in a university offering many career choices to his disposal. However, his parents had different views on his life otherwise. He was then forced to join a local army. Being fresh meat in the grinder, he could never hide behind his father’s many medals of honor and his mother's impressive military record. He was constantly beat up for this, from jealous Privates and hard-assed Drill Instructors. Telling him he will never amount to the valor of his parents. Under his deep anger for being forced into something he never wanted to be into in the first place and being constantly picked on it, he developed a habit of smoking cigarettes. Under the ranks as a simple soldier among many in the British Army, he slowly found a liking towards his career. He turned most of his repressed anger as motivations to outdo his parents and to throw a fat middle finger to those who picked on him. Hoping that eventually, he would be able to muster the courage to finally move on from being a military grunt and become something more. Days turn to months, months, to years and we see a more battle hardened Jude Law. A more rugged vigorous man. With neat but unkempt long hair, a smooth smile, and a cigarette at hand, this educated and rebellious teen turned into a prestigious built young man with much to show off for. His battle record includes to list among the few, Desert Storm, Iraq, the Falklands and Northern Ireland. He climbed along the ranks a confident man, faster than his battle mates. Laughing as they were assigned to bitch detail while he was assigned to highly important missions. Through his great experience he finds himself being assigned more to special reconnaissance missions. Missions that stay highly secretive and are only assigned from those of the higher ups. From mission to mission, he was eventually transferred to the legendary Special Air Service. The SAS.

He has finally made it to a respectable group of men and women whom fight proudly and valiantly among the forces that oppose him. He was put into the put under the Special Reconnaissance Regiment as a Corporal work as a scout. Jude, assigned to solo missions usually involving espionage and assassinations to finding weak spots in heavily guarded fortresses so that the SAS could easily gain access to and eradicate with pure precision. He has fought among the harsh deserts, to the highest peaks. All of his experiences grow and grow as he is more educated in the arts of stealth, recon, and killing.

Then, July 5th 2005 happened. The beginning of the end. Upon a good night’s sleep in his base, he was awoken by deafening sirens wailing along the interiors and exteriors of the base. People screaming, running, packing, preparing. Jude gather’s his bearings and asks the closest person just what the hell is going on. He replies hastily, “The dead... They... They turned undead. It’s war man. It’s fucking war. The world is at war with something that isn’t even human. Jesus, Malton is undergoing something weird. The dead, they... they just get up and eat humans. Then these humans, they turn... oh god, my family. I need to get to Malton!” Malton? The thought echo across Jude’s mind... who the hell do I know from Malton? And then... his mind panics as he realizes the cold truth... both his brother and sister are both in Malton. His brother, a soldier in Fort Creedy, and his sister, a policewoman in Roywood. He whispers “Oh no.”

As he slowly comes to the realization of what’s to come. Days pass as news of outbreak and panic flood through the streets of Malton. Jude’s mind is under constant worry of what’s to come of his family. He smokes a pack day to day now, eager to hear of more news and eager to find out when the SAS is going to mobilize to help out the survivors. Week after week, death tolls have been steadily moving up; local military has been able to quarantine the city but are afraid to send military personnel just yet. His confident manner slowly changes, evolves to a more stressed uneasy man. Spending nights awake, constantly worrying about his family. Days pass and Jude is anxious to meet his brother and sister. Then, horrifying news echoes the base: “FORT CREEDY IS DOWN. I REPEAT, FORT CREEDY IS DOWN. THE CITY OF MALTON IS UNDER THE VERGE OF BEING IN RUIN.” Jude feels a tearing coldness in his heart. He fights his tears, make sure no one sees and hides behind his cigarette. It helps him not feel the gut wrenching pain. Numbs the mind and breaks all thought. He realizes what he must do. He needs to get to Roywood. He needs to save his sister. Upon talking to his mates in the base, he finds out about a special group designated for scouts to be sent within the city to maintain Intel for the government and the current situation of the city. Without second guesses, Jude signs up. Within moments of signing he is immediately being prepped for launch and boards an airship towards Malton. Inside the airship, the Commanding officer prepares him for the worst as he tells him about the primary objective: “Alright men, we are going to be dropping you off at Malton, as many of you are aware, this whole area is infested with the living dead. Now many of you have heard of the way these dead people behave, but let me tell you this, do not underestimate your enemy. Keep your distance, and try to maintain silence. This can make or break your survival in this city. The government wants you to do two things: recon this city, and find out who is behind this monstrosity, and bring him to justice. No matter what it takes, I want you alive and ready to report to me when you are out of Malton. Now some of you may die, some of you may turn into those things. But know this, nothing will kill the fire of the British SAS we will be victorious. DO YOU HEAR ME?! NOW GO GO GO.” The light on the airplane flashes green as the main cargo door slides open. Men jump every two seconds, evenly spread out to cover maximum distances all over Malton. Then comes Jude’s turn. He takes a deep breath and jumps out of the airplane. Freefalling down onto the city he sees many ruined buildings, bodies, blood... movement, so much movement. People being torn apart from these... things. He deploys his parachute, glides onto the nearest building and crashes into the window of the Date Row Railway Station. He remains dizzy for a moment, only to awaken to the cries and moans of innocents being killed, or worse. He unpacks his parachute and proceeds outside towards the city streets. From here he sees the city at its worst. He makes haste towards the Roywood Police Station.

Without gaining attention of the undead, he uncovers the police station. It’s doors are broken wide open, and it appeared to be in ruins. Jude’s hope begins to lower as he enters the police station. He sees numerous dead policemen and women. Prisoners and the like, either shot up or ripped apart from what appears to be... bite marks. However none of them appears to be his sister. He looks and looks only to find out that she is nowhere to be found. Scared, and unaware of what to do next. He gives up. He lights a smoke and sits down in one of the ruined building’s offices. He has lost hope, scared of what happened to his sister, he doesn’t even want to think about it. He then hears a groan. Jude, under panic puts down his smoke and picks up the nearest blunt object. A Fire axe. He takes cover along the side of the door and waits in anticipation. He hears the delayed footsteps of what might very well be a zombie. The shambling figure moves past the door, unaware of Jude’s position. It’s slowly walking towards the desk, as if it senses something in the room. He tries to slowly sneak back behind it, but he accidentally steps on a shard of glass that cracks and gains the zombie’s attention. It slowly moves, only to reveal its face. In horror, Jude realizes who it is. It’s his sister, infected and hungry. Jude... hesitating for a moment, lets out a sorrowful tear and prepares his axe for a swing. She looks confused, but she’s still moving forward. Blood drenched all over her torn police jacket and exposing her internal organs from what appeares to be a shotgun shot towards the stomach region. Jude, frozen, is scared to do what he has to do. But he knows it’s either her or him. With one swift movement, he closes his eyes as he swings blindly towards her neck. He hears a loud thump hit the ground and feels blood splash all over his face. He killed his sister. Jude, tearfully goes down on his knees and looks at his sister’s now decapitated head. He closes his eyes, and walks outside of the Police station. He has an objective to maintain. And he’d better do it. He lights a smoke and walks onto the nearby alley and disappears.

Day’s pass and Jude takes camp in a tall building, equipped with only binoculars, an axe and a flare gun. He scouts across the area, seeing only bloodshed, people turning into monsters, pain and suffering. The city has lost all hope and he knows it. With time, he is able to analyze the movements of the zombies, how they tick, what they strive for, all through observing them at a distance... When he hears something enter his building. He displaces into a dark room, waiting for the opportune time to strike. When he sees two figures walk past him, he realizes that they are both human. He then walks towards them and introduces himself. He finds out their names are Cpl Lynch and Firefighter Green. They are both survivors and also had stories to tell. So together, they shared smokes and took camp within the building. The following days later, they meet a group of soldiers called the Soldiers of Crossman, a band of soldiers recruiting to help rebuild the city of Malton so they can strive to fight another day. So together, they joined the group.

In this city, there are no ranks, no government, no safe place. It’s just the war against humans and zombies. And in this war, one must prove to be the victor. Jude, now with the SoC, plans to begin another chapter of his life. To fight gloriously with those of valor and honor. And to die fighting for the right cause.

SoC star.png Soldiers of Crossman
Judelaw444 is a proud member of the Soldiers of Crossman.