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Revision as of 21:50, 6 January 2012

Abbreviation: Pc
Group Numbers: 5
Leadership: Henry Thoreau
Goals: Peace
Recruitment Policy: Open
Contact: Henry Thoreau

We are like-minded folk who believe in peace, even in the darkest of times in Malton. Members of the group individually commit not to personally injure humans or zombies, whether by shooting, stabbing, punching, toolbox-hitting, or any other means. Pacifists may revive, heal, barricade, and generally assist other individuals, whether human or zombie. We simply follow one overriding command: Thou shalnt not kill.

'''What do I have to do to become a member?

Simply add our group name to your profile. We are a decentralized group, and there is no formal "approval" process. If you wish to become a Pacifist, and follow its dictates, then you are free to do so. Adding our group name to your profile indicates to others that you believe in peace and nonviolence and act accordingly.

'''But I've killed before. Is it too late for me?

No. The vast majority of our members were once like you, but have now seen the light. It is never too late to follow a righteous path. Our nominal leader, Henry Thoreau, has always followed the path of pacifism. But he is the exception, rather than the rule.

'''What are our beliefs?

We believe in nonviolence. We do not physically harm others, whether zombie or human.

Can I assist someone who is not a Pacifist?

Of course. You can heal or revive anyone you would like. That others may not follow our path does not mean that they are unworthy of assistance. You may heal or assist others even if you know that they have harmed in the past and/or will likely harm others in the future, just as a medic in a war. We personally live a life of nonviolence. Others are responsible for the acts they commit, just as we are responsible for ours.

Can I revive the unwilling?

Yes. Pacifists respect life. Returning a zombie to the living enhances life. Many zombies wish to return to the living. Others would prefer to remain zombies. Regardless, giving life to a zombie is a good. If the zombie wishes to return to the dead, he or she can easily make that happen. We are not obligated to revive zombies regardless of preference. But neither does morality prevent us from doing so. Whether an individual member elects to revive only those zombies who request it or any particular zombie is up to the conscience of the member.

Does being a Pacifist prevent me from participating in organized tactics with others?

No. We are responsible only for our own acts. Members can, for example, participate in the liberation of buildings by reviving and healing combatants, by barricading, and by "combat reviving" zombies. Indeed, it is a much more efficient use of AP to revive a zombie and dump the reviving body outside than it is to attempt to kill the zombie. Members may participate in any event they wish, whether as part of an organized group or individually, as long as they follow the path of personal nonviolence.

Are you crazy?! There's death everywhere! Zombies galore! How can nonviolence possibly be the answer for Malton?

Death is always everywhere. We choose to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Indeed, being a Pacifist perhaps makes even more sense in a place like Malton than in other places. In places where death is permanent, a killing may remove an evildoer forever. But when one kills a zombie, they simply stand back up. Nothing is permanently accomplished by their death. Particularly when a nonviolent alternative is available, and even more efficient, than killing we prefer to live a life of conscience.

What about rotters? And PKers?

The problem of the irredeemably evil person is always present. Thoreau knew it. Ghandi knew it. King knew it. We hope to inspire others by our path. We can barricade, and assist others, in preventing evil. But we shall not permit the evil of others to persuade us to join in the taking of another life.

Is it hard to level as a Pacifist?

No. It is fairly easy to earn xp by healing and reviving. There are always individuals in need of both. Additional xp may be earned by extracting dna, tagging, and other nonviolent acts. Killing is a slightly more expedient way to earn xp. But killing is always expedient. As well as unnecessary. Besides, for most Pacifists, gaining additional "levels" does not assist them, as the majority of these levels merely entail the acquisition of additional skills in killing, whether as a survivor or zombie. Some Pacifists elect to obtain these skills, or obtained them prior to joining this path. Others elect to forgo those skills in order to highlight their commitment to pacifism.

How can I help?

Join. Spread the word. When you revive or heal someone, feel free to tell them that you're a Pacifist. Spread the word on buildings and billboards. Above all, lead by example.