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This page is for the storage of [[Suggestions]] that have passed Peer Review and have been considered Good and Worthy Suggestions.  To qualify for this page, the Suggestion must fit the following criteria:
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=Skill New: Zombie: Digestion Tree=
===Advanced Digestion (+10HP Temporary)===
suggest_time=17:08, 27 September 2006 (BST)|
suggest_type=New Skill|
<br />
<li>Prerequisites: Brain Rot, Digestion
<li>Effect #1: The 4HP gain from Digestion can go above this zombies normal max HP, by up to 10HP in total.
<li>Effect #2: These extra HP are lost at the rate of 1HP/action.
<br />
<li>A zombie without Body Building could reach a maximum of 60HP by using this skill.
<li>A zombie with Body Building could reach a maximum of 70HP by using this skill.
suggest_moved=23:02, 11 October 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=17/23 Keep/Total. Many voters thought that Brain Rot should not be a prerequisite.
*Was "Advanced Digestion".
===Bile Attack (Power Bite Ammo)===
suggest_time=20:12, 28 Dec 2005 (GMT)|
With his permission; I've based this on [[User:steveha|steveha]]'s inspired Rot Mold, placing it under Bite and a bit later in the zombie development and hopefully also solving the problems some had with the search flavor.
A new form of a bite attack which is fueled by Bile acquired in cemeteries.
Wandering round the cemeteries of Malton a zombie finds in one of the mausolea, that what he believes is a cadre of perfectly succulent sleeping survivors. When feasting upon the embalmed bodies he soon discovers that not only are they not delicious warm fresh Harmanz, but that the embalming fluids, that kept the cadavers looking fresh, reacts strangely within his stomach. And form a deadly corrosive Bile...
Moaning from discomfort he wanders for days. Until he finds a lone Harman. Biting and clawing the struggling survivor to a halt, he coughs up some of the bile during a bite attack. The zombie doesn't really register that the Harman dies far quicker then usual... All that the zombie knows is that he feels better and before him is a meal of warm flesh...
'''Game mechanics'''
<i>the Item Bile</i>
Ransacking graves would have a 18.5% chance of finding a suitable embalmed cadaver to fool the zombie into thinking it is a survivor to acquire Bile. 3 Bile 'items' would be placed in the inventory in order to keep track how many attacks you can make for gaming purposes. this would also limit the times you can stockpile this attack. when a Bile bite attack is made, one bile 'item' is consumed.
In the cemetery a button would appear 'hunt Humans'
if unsuccessful, 'you found no humans'<br>if successful you'd read something along the line of 'you found a cadaver, it tasted sickening... you gain some bile'
Bile disappears with a revive. (gets vomited up for flavor)
<i>the bile bite skill </i>
The bile attack is usable after you take the skill located directly under Digestion.
You then can select the attack in the dropdown menu.
It would do  7 damage (6 with flack jacket) at the same percentage to hit as a normal bite attack.. all other bite effects would not stack. for game purposes it is another sort of attack. for flavor it is because the corrosive Bile would counteract them.
Locating it under digestion would give it a total of 4 skill needed to reach it full potential. Most of them are of dual nature. It would keep the skill tree relatively flat keeping it in style with the versatility that offers zombies in leveling up without placing this out of bounds for mid level zombies. (It would be out of reach for low level zombies for the same reason that humans don't start maxed out in shotgun or pistol skills)
<i>Relative Damage</i>
With an occurrence rate of 18.5% of acquiring 3 Bile at cemeteries, the relative damage compared with the other forms of attacks is:
1.5HP/AP Claws<br>1.2HP/AP Bite<br>1.0HP/AP Bile Bite<br>0.85HP/AP Bile Bite (combined with flak jacket)<br>
The fact that although Bile bite is the biggest attack purely on damage is countered by the relative ineffective HP/AP . A zombie would be better of using Bite and Claws standard and the Bile bite when in need of a bigger punch when low on AP, as a finishing attack, or in a first shock attack. In prolonged conflict such as sieges the relatively wasteful HP/AP proportion comes into play and the zombies are better of with claws and normal bite as in those conflict you need to use your AP as effective as possible.
'''Personal thoughts.'''
I've tried to take great care in making this skill and attack a viable strategic alternative that adds the dept of AP conservation that survivors have but zombies still lack, adding what I hope is a fun addition to the zombie arsenal. Without making it overpowered threat to survivors. AP conservation was purely a survivor talent, and to show that zombies just aren't as good in it (because it is based on instinct and luck, role playing wise) it lowers their HP/AP damage, unlike with survivors were it raises that statistic. It does add a whole new area to them, balancing AP's for use now or for uses later in the game. Adding dept I hope, without losing distinction between the survivors and the zombies.
Being a dyslectic dutch person my talent for describing the flavor and the text of this suggestion may not be up to scratch, please look trough all that, or in true wiki sense try to help me with it.|
suggest_notes=18/23 Keep/Total
*Was "Bile attack".
suggest_moved=17:05, 17 Jan 2006 (GMT)
===Consumption (Store HP for Regeneration)===
suggest_time=07:46, 9 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_scope= Zombies|
suggest_description= This is an idea to cement the role of bite as a healing attack, and to provide a use for it even when a zombie is at full health beyond the single infectious bite.
<b>Consumption</b> would be a subskill of Digestion. The zombie's body has adapted to not waste food eaten when fully healthy, storing it instead for later healing. The zombie's player would have a new button on their interface: "Regenerate (X)". X would be the total number of hit points the zombie is currently capable of healing. Biting <i>when at full health</i> would raise X by 4. Killing a survivor with a bite attack would raise X by 10. X would max out at the zombie's maximum health.
Clicking on Regenerate (costing 1AP) would start using the zombie's reserve, healing 3 hitpoints every half hour if injured until X depletes to zero, if the zombie is killed/revived, or if the player clicks it again. You don't need to be injured to start regenerating, and it won't use up your reserve unless you become injured. This would be a useful ability. You could break into a safehouse and before logging off turn on your regeneration. That way if you're injured but not killed you'll gradually gain health, making it somewhat harder for the next person to kill/dump you. Being able to get back, say, 12hp in two hours is pretty good but not overpowering since the zombie won't regain full health unless it's left alone in there for a very long time. |
suggest_moved=03:25, 23 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=24/31 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
*Was "Consumption (revised)".
===Devour Brain (Delays Revival)===
suggest_time=18:47, 9 Dec 2005 (GMT)|
suggest_scope=High level zombies|
suggest_description= Before you delete this YES I have read the other "Harman Hunter" suggestions and even though the name is the same I believe this one is new.  When a zombie with this skill kills a human, they get a message along the lines of 'You crack open the human's skull and devour the juicy brains inside.'  The resulting corpse is flagged as being temporarily unrevivable (Brain-devoured?) '''Edit: for a 1.5 day (36 hour) period.'''  The functionality of this skill is similar to Head Shot in that it slows down the target, but there is no XP loss involved.  The victim is free to wander around, gaining XP as a zombie, but they cannot be revived for 1.5 days.  Trying to extract or revive a brain-devoured target would return the same message as a brain-rotted target.  I think this would also help reduce Head Shot griefing (e.g. are you *sure* you want to headshot that zombie you tried to needle?  Maybe they're just brain-eaten and waiting until they can be revived again).  Only zeds of level 10 or higher would be able to learn this skill.|
suggest_notes=21/31 Keep/Total. Posiable changes are to make the user spend 75AP until they can be revived instead of waiting 1.5 Days.
*Was "Devour Brain".
suggest_moved=10:21, 25 Dec 2005 (GMT)
===Piercing Bite (Tangling Teeth)===
suggest_time=[[User:Jon Pyre|Jon Pyre]] 05:39, 15 October 2006 (BST)|
suggest_scope= Zombies|
suggest_description= Right now bite attacks are underused. Injured zombies don't care about restoring health enough to give up a higher chance of doing damage with hand so Digestion goes unused. Basically the only reason to use bite is if you're feeling malicious and want someone to be infected when they're revived, or to discourage a survivor during live combat. In that case you need only bite a survivor once in the entire course of attacking them.
<b>Piercing Bite</b> would be a skill to allow people to use bite more in combat. When gripping a survivor with tangling grasp any successful bite attack will allow the zombie to get a hold on the survivor with their teeth as well. Having a hold with both hands and teeth makes it harder for the survivor to break away. Odds of losing your tangling grasp on a miss are reduced to 30% of what they currently are. If you lose your grip you also lose the benefit from the bite and have to have a hand attack, then bite attack, all over again. It <b>does not</b> increase attack percentages or damage. It only reduces the chance of losing your tangling grasp bonus of 10%.
SUMMARY: When grabbing a survivor with tangling grasp a successful bite reduces the odds of losing your tangling grasp bonus on a miss to 30% of current levels. This will lead zombies to start off every round of attacks with first a hand attack, then a bite, in order to make the most of tangling grasp.
suggest_moved=09:38, 30 October 2006 (UTC)|
suggest_notes=16/21 Keep/Total (76%). Those for felt that the bite needed a buff, those against felt that the 30% chance of escape was overpowered and that bite was powerful enough already.
*Was "Piercing Bite".
==Infectious Bite==
===Advanced Infection (Heal To Max. To Cure)===
suggest_time=20:51, 16 May 2006 (BST)|
suggest_description=I propose yet another variation of "let's make infections
nasty".  This would be non-nerfing to existing skills, however, and is
relatively lower powered.  The concept is that an advanced infection is
difficult to shake by a wounded survivor and requires full healing to eradicate.
"Advanced Infection" appears below Infectious Bite in the skill tree and has a
prerequisite of Level 10.
Mechanic : A survivor who is currently infected (currently carries "infected"
tag) bitten a second time has the infection tag replaced with an "advanced
infection" tag if bitten by a zombie with the skill.  Additional bites do not
cause additional infection levels.  An Advanced Infection inflicts the same
exact damage as a regular infection (does NOT stack with a regular infection,
replaces it only).
A "Advanced Infection" is curable with a standard FAK, but only if the resulting
heal brings the player to FULL HEALTH.  This represents the requirement that the
player be fully healthy for them to have fully shaken off the infection.  To
reiterate : Any FAK application bringing the character to full health heals the
infection instantly and removes the Advanced Infection tag.
Obviously, based on current maximum bite damage, a player bitten twice
(infected -4 hp from bite, advanced infection -4hp from bite) is still readily
healable of the infection by a player with first aid (5hp from FAK, +5 from
First Aid) on the first application of the FAK if they recieve no other wounds.
Flavor text will reflect the infliction of the advanced infection to both predator and prey.  A FAK attempt on a character with advanced infection will reflect the status and result of the cure.
IE : New flavor text (Heal + no cure) -- "You heal XXX for 10, but they remain infected."|
suggest_moved=06:38, 29 June 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=29/31 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. It was suggested that the Advanced Infection doesn't carry on from death.
*Was "Advanced Infection".
===Disorientating Venom (2AP Movement)===
suggest_time=21:22, 14 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_description=This skill is in the digestion tree with Infectious Bite as a pre-requesite. When obtained it adds a second effect to bite, Disorientation. This is because the new venom secreted by the zombie makes the survivor feel ill and confused.<br>
Disorientation causes the survivor to take 2AP to move. If the survivor dies and is revived they will '''lose their disorientation''' and become well again. Disorientation can be cured with a first aid kit.<br>
The zombie can choose which bite they wish to use from '''the attack menu'''. They can choose either Infectious Bite or Disorientating Venom. Each one has a 100% chance of causing the desired effect if the bite hits the target.<br>
If the survivor gets infected and disorientated, '''it will take only 1 first aid kit to cure both effects, ie. it will only take 1 first aid kit to remove both ailments.''' (was one first aid kit per effect)<br>
'''Note''' for clarity- If a survivor moves with both effects, they will lose 1HP and take 2AP to move.<br>
'''Note''' for even more clarity- Only one first aid kit is needed to cure both effects. Not one for each effect as I previously wrote.
'''Note''' for a bit more clarity- Actions other than moving will cost 1AP as usual.|
suggest_moved=10:31, 29 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=21/28 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. Some people disliked that both effects would affect surviors at the same time.
*Was "Disorientating Venom: Version 3".
===Persistent Infection (2*FAK To Cure)===
suggest_time=16:43, 9 Dec 2005 (GMT)|
suggest_scope=High level zombies|
suggest_description=When a zombie with this skill successfully attacks a survivor '''EDIT: with a bite attack''', the harman gets a Persistent Infection. This type of infection will always cause 1 damage, like regular infection, and has a 50% chance to cause 2 damage. It also requires two FAKs to heal, or can be healed with one FAK if surgery is used.
This skill can be purchased only after Infectious Bite and Brain Rot, since it signals a zombie who has been infected for a long time. This skill will NOT significantly grief noobs, since if they had been attacked by a high level zombie, they would be screwed anyway. It also adds some drama to sieges since survivors have to strike a more careful balance between FAKs and ammo.|
suggest_notes=24/26 Keep/Total. Comments included that when a FAK is used on a Persistent Infection then it should become a standard infection.
*Was "Persistent Infection".
suggest_moved=10:09, 25 Dec 2005 (GMT)
===Plague Bite (Incurable)===
suggest_time=01:16, 23 Dec 2005 (GMT)|
suggest_type=zombie skill|
suggest_scope=zombies and their love bittees|
'''Skill pre-requisites:'''
  Level 10 Zombie
  Brain Rot
  Infectious bite
The zombies that have reached advanced stages of the outbreak are carrying a stronger form of the disease. A new infection can now be inflicted on humans from zombie bites.
Plague bite would infect a human with an infection that could not be cured, but would not carry over after death. The infection could be pushed back through the use of healing items (this would surely make surgery matter since people would REALLY want that 15 HP bonus. It does not stack with normal infection. The infection automatically goes away if the infected survivor uses between 50 and 100 AP without dying. The AP would be randomized each time the player is bit (i.e. if they were bit and it took 50 AP to cure, then they were bit later, it could jump up to 80, it could stay the same, it could jump to 100, whatever.
<font color=green>Possible Change: Only a ?25%? chance of occuring, otherwise causes normal infection</font>
'''Genre Justification'''
Most zombie movies, if a person gets bit, they will eventually turn into a zombie. It is possible to sustain life, but in the end, they will die. This fits genre quite well.
'''Game justification/balance'''
With the changes in headshot, zombies having a lasting effect on humans is more important than ever. This would strike massive fear into many humans, as they would not be able to simply cure themselves when they are infected. However, by not carrying over after death, it will not be a permanent death sentence for humans. Since it is only available for rotters above level 10, not every zombie will own it, and no one will buy it that will also be able to switch over.  Many people will never buy it because they do not want to buy brain rot. Others will not buy it because they want the current infection which carries over.
'''Personal thought'''
I would have a lot of fun with this, as a zombie. It would really make me feel like I can do some lasting impact.  As a maxed out zombie, this would give me a reason to keep playing other than to bring down the barricades for other people. My human character would also love this. I would actually be afraid of even small zombie groups as they could easily infect me and sentence me to death.
'''Game note'''
Difference in game notation as follows:
::''You are Duranna and you are INFECTED''
::''You are Duranna and you HAVE THE PLAGUE''
::''A zombie bites you for 4 HP. The bite was INFECTED! You lose 1 HP everytime you use AP (except for speaking). Curable by FAK (or whatever it says)''
::''A zombie bites you for 4 HP. The bite was INFECTED WITH THE PLAGUE! You lose 1 HP everytime you use AP (except for speaking), until you perish or your body can fight off the plague naturally.''
The plague lasts for 50-100 APs, randomly. After the plague runs its course, a FAK can be used to remove the infected wounds (before that, it only restores hit points), the player receives the following message:
::''Your body continues to resist the plague, and the fever dies down. You are still infected, but there is hope for a cure.''
The above is taken more or less from the [ forum] directly.
''This section is primarily for Kevan's benefit, to suggest a method in technical terms on how to implement it. yes, these paragraphs are not for non-geeks. yes, they can (indeed, probably should) be ignored in making your vote decision.''
The skill introduces a new status flag, called ''plague''. When a zombie with the skill bites a survivor, the survivor receives both the ''infected'' and the ''plague'' flags. The plague flag is also associated with a number value. This value is from 1-100, and acts as a timer.
Event on bite:
* survivor gains infected and plague flags.
* random number = 50-100
* if random number > (current plague timer value), let plague timer value = random number
Event on survivor action:
* survivor loses 1 hp (effect of infected wounds status flag)
* plague timer flag drops by 1.
* if plague timer = 0, remove plague status flag and display flavour text noted in above sections.
Event on survivor death:
* plague timer = 0
* remove plague status flag
Event on FAK used on the survivor:
* Survivor gains 5/10/15 hit points
* If (infected = 1) and (plagued = 0) then (infected = 0)
Additional thoughts: As written, half of all APs spent during the plague period are effectively lost to searching for FAKs. The exact number of course varies by search location. Given that, the time period is quite a bit too long, as it effectively puts the target out of action. Two changes that should be made are:
* Reduce the time period, perhaps as low as 25-50 APs.
* Make it a % chance of causing plague on each attack, perhaps 20%. Attacks that fail this check still cause infected wounds as normal.
[[User:Rhialto|Rhialto]] 12:17, 23 Dec 2005 (GMT)
suggest_moved=14:57, 12 May 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=51/67 Keep/Total. Most people who killed belived it is over powered. Also many people belive that it would waste survivors time by them trying to find FAK's to heal themselves. Some people suggested for there to be an item to be able to cure this. However it was argued that it made this virtualy pointless as survivors could carry the item like most people do currently with FAKs.
*Was "Plague Bite".
===Scalable Diseases (First Aid, Surgery To Cure)===
suggest_time=00:59, 12 Dec 2005 (GMT)|
suggest_type=Skill tree off of [[Zombie_skills|Infectious Bite]]|
suggest_description=Two added skills under Infectious Bite. They do not modify the current effectiveness of being Infected, but rather requires higher levels of medical training to remove after being bitten.
*'''Festering Wound''' To remove this higher form of Infection, a survivor must have a First aid kit and [[Science_skills|First Aid]]
*'''Mutated Infection''' Requires Festering Wound. To remove the highest form of Infection, a survivor must have a First aid kit, the medical knowledge of a [[Science_skills|Surgeon]]
Points to ponder: Surgeons would now be in high demand, as survivors would now actualy be at risk of becoming undead, rather then the current "unlucky" state of most eaten survivors. FAKs are found in hospitals and malls, the two places most likely to find someone with Medical Skills. New players would have to rely on someone else, and not be utterly self sufficent, encouraging cooperation.|
suggest_notes=28/38 Keep/Total. Concerns are that newbies could be hurt by this set of skills. Some people commented that this should be implemented with Prognosis.
*Was "Scalable Diseases".
suggest_moved=05:35, 30 Dec 2005 (GMT)
===Viral Contagion (Infection Double Damage)===
suggest_time=01:19, 2 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_type=New Skill.|
suggest_scope=Brain Rot Zombies.|
suggest_description=This is to give Brain Rot zombies a new 100XP skill called Viral Contagion. It would be under Brain Rot and would also require Infectious Bite. Unlike Necrotic Symbiotes this would make it so, when one is infected by a zombie with this skill, they lose 2HP per AP spent instead of 1HP per AP spent. It would become a normal infection upon dying. Players who get infected would recieve this message "''You have been infected by a new virulent strain of the zombie virus.''" This would give those playing Brain Rot zombies a new skill.|
suggest_moved=04:50, 16 July 2006 (BST)|
suggest_notes=18/27 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. Some people disliked brain rot being a requirement for this skill.
*Was "Viral Contagion (V 2.0)".
===Cannibal Feasting (Restoring HP from killed survivor's body)===
suggest_time=[[User:Jon Pyre|Jon Pyre]] 03:51, 3 March 2007 (UTC)|
suggest_description=One classic scene in zombie movies is that gruesome image of the undead sitting in a building and feasting on human remains. It'd be nice if there was a way to recreate this effect in Urban Dead. I suggest introducing a new skill called Cannibal Feasting. Sometimes a zombie is injured by the time they make a kill, sometimes shot at by their victim or wounded from earlier. Using Digestion to heal might use AP too inefficiently to even kill a survivor, or the survivor they find might have too few hp left to feed on much.
Cannibal Feasting would have the following effect: When a zombie kills an infected survivor inside a building as long as the zombie doesn't leave the building or that <i>specific</i> dead body get removed either by being dumped or by the victim standing as a zombie, the zombie that made the kill will receive 1hp per hour until it reaches full health. Once it is fully healed the zombie won't benefit from that kill again, even if it is injured once more.
Although the consequences for death aren't as dire for zombies as they are for survivors having 50 health instead of 35 or 20 makes a difference when trying to avoid getting headshot and removed from a building. Getting a steady trickle of health is a nice reward for a kill. It is balanced by the fact it could take literally all day to heal you and is aborted if a survivor comes by and dumps the body. In a crowded building a zombie might not get more than one or two hp, but it increases the rewards for attacking less promising targets in isolated areas where a body may not get dumped for over 24 hours.
The skill should be made a subskill of Infectious Bite. I think it is powerful enough without being too powerful for a third tier skill.
*Clarification: The feasting zombie should be able to tell that they're munching on a body. The room description should for them have an additional line after the number of bodies: "You are feasting on your recent kill." If the body is dumped or stands the zombie should get an alert message: "The body you were eating was removed" or "The body you were eating stood up as a zombie".|
suggest_moved=20:27, 22 May 2007 (BST)|
suggest_notes=17/18 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
[[Category:Peer Reviewed Suggestions/Zombie Skill]]

Revision as of 23:45, 9 August 2012