Journal:Mufasa Bahamut

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July 1' 2008 Ch;1

This will be my first entry to my book. I wake up and see that I'm in a place not known to me. I find myself back at the place were I'd hope never to be at. Osmondville a place were I would never come back, well got to keep on going, hopefully I'll find someone I know.

July 2'2008


Entry two I find myself in a Auto Repair Shop named Lewyes, and I see a body in the distance. I think to myself "What the HELL I haven't seen anybody here!?" Well I walk over to it with my pistol and knife and it was a zombie so I shot him. I hit it two times and while I was shooting I glanced at a light that said I ran to it, then as soon as I got there I walked in and saw alot of people, some lame, some cool, some partying, some naked. So I crashed there for a while. So I saw a bar in the bar in a bar if that makes sense, ya so I walk over and ask for a drink and she said "There's no more drinks here, 'cause of this crappy zombie stuff." So I thought to myself "DAMN! what happed to this city while I was gone?". Then some guy stood up and says "I got a BBBBEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR ya!" So I took him outside and said "WHAT were you thinken' someone could have mugged you for that beer!" HE give me that kind of smug look and said "LOOK A MALL!". So then I said "What's your name kid?" HE says "Kid? who you callin' kid?! I call PEOPLE kid...crazy old man." Then we went to a mall named 'Pole Mall' and tried to get in and fail. So then I got back and fell as soon as I entered the Bar. I blank out...

July 9'2008


This is my last entry for a while I have been in a dazed sight in my mind and I've learned why I am here and working on how to forget everyone and everything and have no fear of death has the wind hits me a kind voice says "Look to the East so I will so for who ever finds this don't look to the East...'cause once you do, I will be THERE to put a end to your sight...good bye, everyone...