Malton Uprising

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DEM attempt to crack down on the Malton Uprising.


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  1. Corruption
  2. Implications of authority
  3. Strong-arming new players
  4. Using PKer groups to do their dirty work
  5. Forcing groups to disband or leave they don't like
  6. Having alts in the same groups (zerging)
  7. Using DEMON to cheat and black mark their political enemies

We, therefore, see no other option but the necesity of the dissolution of all ties with the DEM and the destruction of the tyrannical state they have constructed upon the bones of our fellow citizens.

Day of Freedom

The date for the Malton Uprising:


September. Tuesday.


On this day, all who wish to partake in the boutiful spread of liberty should harm the DEM in any way they can.

  • Killing DEM members
  • Spraying over DEM sprays
  • Spraying anti-DEM sprays
    • Down with the DEM ! Malton Uprising ! 9/9/08 etc...
  • Anti-DEM speeches (radio, voice)
  • Not healing DEM
  • Not reviving them
  • Anything else

Non-DEM kills are not to be associated with the Malton Uprising. This is a day to fight the DEM. Any who associate kills on non-DEM with the Malton Uprising are not friends of the rebellion and are simply trying to mar the name of the rebellion.

Pieces of Reason

Youtube video:

Uprising.JPG Slaves.PNG Riseresistrevoltnthgq7.gif Propangdasr7.jpg Usordemki9.gif Notyours1kl6.png Justwatchho0.png 82381151xb7.jpg Uprisingplainpropagandamt0.jpg Griefjn9.png Gz1qlrtxyyhz2.png Demswatchincopyzj0demjh0.jpg Demisnextcopycs2demay5.jpg Propangdaqv1.jpg Demjv5.jpg Chippy.gif Demfaggotsiw4.jpg Ganda2re3.gif Gandaby1.jpg 34gu7mf.jpg Freemaltondiversity.gif P1090026-1.jpg Oldladiesfighttoo.jpg Sideways gun oldlady.jpg Uprisingpropll6.jpg Mupropsdy4.jpg