Journal:Donald Crane

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Donald Crane

Donald Crane
Starting Occupation: Fireman
Group Membership: none
Goals: Defend my home and assist others
Username: Donald Crane
More details: Urban Dead profile

The Beginning

August 25th, 2008

I dont know what happened. It is hard for me to remember my past, and when I think about it I get sharp head aches. But I cant forget what happened yesterday. Getting restless I wandered outside the Firehouse I have been using as a safehouse. Wandering into a nearby park I saw him. I dont know why I attacked him I really dont. Must have thought he was a zombie, but after a few whacks with my axe I realized that the blood splurtting out was red. Alive blood. I ran away, horrified at what I had done. When I finally stopped running I was outside a hospital. So now I am inside, looking for First Aid Kits. I dont know who that guy was, or where he is now. But I shall try to redeem myself with healing.

August 26th,2008

Still in the hospital. It is hard work gathering supplies for these Kits. But I ran into some other Firemen and have been officially accepted into the Malton Fire Department. So now I have a purpose and a mission, but I will still gather First Aid Kits. But these headaches, nobody here can help with them. And the dreams are getting worst. Always a dark, damp cell, and uniforms. Thats all for now, I need to sleep.