Journal:Donald Crane

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Donald Crane

Donald Crane
Starting Occupation: Fireman
Group Membership: none
Goals: Defend my home and assist others
Username: Donald Crane
More details: Urban Dead profile

The Beginning

August 25th, 2008

I dont know what happened. It is hard for me to remember my past, and when I think about it I get sharp head aches. But I cant forget what happened yesterday. Getting restless I wandered outside the Firehouse I have been using as a safehouse. Wandering into a nearby park I saw him. I dont know why I attacked him I really dont. Must have thought he was a zombie, but after a few whacks with my axe I realized that the blood splurtting out was red. Alive blood. I ran away, horrified at what I had done. When I finally stopped running I was outside a hospital. So now I am inside, looking for First Aid Kits. I dont know who that guy was, or where he is now. But I shall try to redeem myself with healing.

August 26th,2008

Still in the hospital. It is hard work gathering supplies for these Kits. But I ran into some other Firemen and have been officially accepted into the Malton Fire Department. So now I have a purpose and a mission, but I will still gather First Aid Kits. But these headaches, nobody here can help with them. And the dreams are getting worst. Always a dark, damp cell, and uniforms. Thats all for now, I need to sleep.

August 27th,2008

Another restless night. I keep having those dreams. . . . .the uniforms and marching. I remember hiding, in fear, always afraid of being caught. But it wasnt the zombies like now. Oh you can hear their moans, deep in the night. If we're lucky they are far off. . . but there are enough nearby to know that they are close. A zombie got in last night, but the others here made short work of him. I just keep collecting these First Aid Kits. Maybe tomorrow I will move on the Academy. . . .assuming I can find it.