501st U.S. Army Battalion

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After being nearly decimated and abandoned, the 501st now strives to rebuild its glory!

501st U.S. Army Battalion
501st Insignia new.PNG
Abbreviation: 501st
Group Numbers: 8
Leadership: Sergeants Killian Ale, Corinthias, and Ryker
Goals: Protect Survivors and Cleanse Malton of the Zombie Hordes and Vile PKers
Recruitment Policy: Humans, any that wish to donate skills to the 501st but must be active
Contact: http://501stbattalion.webs.com/index.htm, http://the501stbattalion.forumup.it/, shakingthedarkworld@hotmail.com (Killian Ale's e-mail)


Among the soldiers in the U.S. Army, the 501st was one of the most prestigious battalions of the late 20th century. It won countless awards for its combat effectiveness and tactical efficiency. But in 2000, on a mission in Arkmenistan, disaster struck. The battalion was ambushed and decimated, with only ten soldiers making it out. Two of those soldiers killed themselves and five of them were killed in a bombing later that year. The three that survived received Medals of Honor for their brave work in the field. Those three were only Privates at the time, but made their way up the chain of command very quickly. Soon, Sergeants Ryker, Corinthias, and Killian Ale jointly led the battalion with the lowest count of recruits known to man. Privates Drake Forewatcher, Marissa Lee, Mopar, Tyler, and Robert were the only ones "lucky enough" to be transferred to the battalion. On December 6th 2008, Sergeant Killian was approached by the brass to insert his men into Malton. Killian asked when to be deployed. The brass replied with December 12th. Suddenly, the 501st had 250 other soldiers assigned to it. On their drop in Buttonville, there was a great battle. All 250 soldiers were mercilessly slaughtered by the zombies. The eight that survived holed up in the St. Columbanus Church and began to plan their strike on the zombies.

PK Policy

The 501st is strict on PKing. Any person or group found PKing will have war declared on them if they attack the 501st first. The war will last until the opposite side surrenders or is decimated.


The 501st has a strict Coda that each member must follow:

1. Human lives are sacred. Kill only in defense.

2. Zombies are fair game.

3. All 501st occupied buildings must be barricaded.

4. EHB Buildings must have entry points.

5. Obey your commanding officer.

6. Never retreat.

7. Never surrender.

8. Remember where you came from.


If your character is human, place your name and class between the two lines.


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.