Journal: Federationtrooper
The journal of Federationtrooper
To whomever is reading this, My name is Federationtrooper, ex head of U.N.I.T and one of the last survivours in Monroeville. In U.N.I.T we secretly fought the zombie invasion and moved from place to place. but U.N.I.T soon ended when many of us became inactive, I ideled out and woke one morning in a ruined building with my friend Doc Hunter. This was when it began.
Day 1:
I have awoken in an old ruined building, dont know how I got here or what happened last. I spotted my friend Doc Hunter and asked him what was going on. He explained that U.N.I.T had left us here for saftey and have carried on. I was angry at them for leaving me here but realised we could contact them. Doc Hunter sent the message and waited.
Day 4:
We heard a message from U.N.I.T and an unluck guy joined us, I jumped for joy when I saw him and so we decided to build a small base. We have repaired the club we were in and have gotten to work.
Day 6:
I awoke half blinded with pain in my eyes as I saw a giant slash across my chest and seven zombies all about to attack. The barricades were destroyed and the others were gone, quick as a flash I dived out the window and ran. I rushed through the ruined streets of Monroeville till I found the Harris motel, guess im gonna stay here.
Day 8:
I got word from unlucky and learned of his location, I quickly ran past everything I saw, past two zombies and even the place were the zombies broke in until at last I found unlucky. He and Doc Hunter however were asleep, laughing, I sat down and sleep took over my mind and body.
Day 10:
We awoke to a grooling zombie, quick as a flash I dived out the club and ran like hell, soon exhaustion took me and I was soon lost until atlast I found my friends. I fell over from exhaustion and sat, a smile over my face. I had evaded death once more and the zeds had lost there dinner.
Day 12:
I awoke to find my self in a junkyard, apparently I had fallen unconcious and unlucky had carried me here. Doc Hunter was no were to be found, I was going to ask unlucky until somthing heavy hit my head. I then awoke in another club with both unlucky and Doc Hunter there. Im going to ask whats going on tommorow.
Day 14:
Its the new year! Unblucky explained that Doc Hunter had been hit with a zed with scent trail so we are trying to loose him. Glad to know that we lost the zed that was tracking us we decided to have a good long rest. I just wish U.N.I.T was here to see this.