The Brotherhood of East Boundwood

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A Celtic knot, the unofficial symbol of The Brotherhood.

Current Status

The Brotherhood has arrived! Let the zombie killing begin!
The Brotherhood formed unofficially on the 23rd of January, 2009, consists of Neil Grayson, Yancey Flynn, Charles "CJ" Robinson, Danny Macaluso, Cody Engelsen, and Jimmy Delaney.

Journals of the Brotherhood

February 7th, 2009
finally i have company in the factory. she is very temping and i don't know how much longer i can resist my urges to ravish her. i will soon need to make a jurney to a hospital for more med-kits. i have lost my friends and haven't seen them for many days. thsy have left me and the last know day of seeing one of them was when i was shot 5 times in the face by yancey and beaten over and over again by cj. i know that u my friends will help me now that i'm not a zombie. i long for you all to meet once again. till the next we meet, daniel.
February 7th, 2009
Good news for a change, after I went out of my safe house I walked around to find 3 zombies, of course i ran over and attacked them, the smartest thing to do. However i noticed on the ground a piece of colorful paper reading 'NECRO-TECH OFFICES'. At first i had know idea what this ment but on the back was a map and on the map were buildings... buildings in which holds the abbility to bring people back from the dead! Now all i have to do is find a building, learn how this thing works, and revive our fellow comrades! cody
February 4th,2009
You know the worlds gone to hell when you have to execute your own brother. i'm displeased to say that i have shot down Danny. He has turned to the side of the dead. Although i have heard rumors of people being cured of there zombified states. although it is just a rumor It brings me hope.I die inside when i Think about having to kill my own brother. I hope the cure is real and i hope that he is back to normal soon. This is yancey...whats left of him anyway. (end transmission)
February 4th, 2009
If this place fills up with zombies, it's going to fill up with hot lead too, because I'm not leaving unless I'm dragged. I came here to clean up East Boundwood, and that's what I'm going to do. -Neil
February 4th, 2009
its a sad day in this decrepit word when you have to kill your own brothers. not only did i have i have to temporarily put jimmy out of his brain rotting misery. i had to execute my fallen comrad Danyy. its a cold day in hell, when i do that again. the only thought that keeps me going is the one track mindless thought of revenge on these evil creatures. this is cj...(end transmission)
February 4th, 2009
Hey cody here, look i found jimmy's dead body if any one can revive he's at... *looks a map* Mah-oney plaze police dept. along with 3 other dead bodys... Just be careful...
February 3rd, 2009
this is CJ, time is short at the moment. i have reason to belive that jimmy has been zombified. the number of zombies are growing! i dont know how much longer we will be able to stay here. we recently found Cody. we are glad to have him back once again. i havent seen danny in a while, and am begining to wonder if he has sucumbed to the same horrible fate as our fallen comrad Jimmy. i must go, the zombies are regrouping once again...god hep us...
February 2nd, 2009
I can't talk long. there are two groups of zombies each within a block from here. one group of five and one group of three. I'm doing what damage i can but its just not enough.I...-yancey(end transmission)
February 1st, 2009
I woke up this morning to find a zombie had somehow managed to get in the building. I managed to kill it with a couple of shots to the head. there was no sign of cj but Danny had arrived. after asking around i found out that Neil was in a mall somewhere in east boundwood and somebody saw cj heading towards a junkyard not far from here. I told danny to meet us there and headed there myself after disposing of the zombies body. Still waiting on word from Neil and and jimmy. it plagues my mind not knowing whether their alive or amongst the plague of the living dead. (end transmission)-yancey
January 31st, 2009
this is mere de jules(cj)i have lost track of Taylor Mali(neil) he had vanished untill i got into a close and deadly encounter with a zombie. he then reappeared to rid me of an serious infection i recieve from that zombie. he then vanished into thin air, again. i had to take care of a zombie that was outside. Connor O'McManus is now with me, he arrived not long ago. he is travel worn and tried but is healthy as can be expected. we are almost together again!
January 30th, 2009
this is Connor O'McManus (Yancey). I've finally made it to east boundwood and am currently in the Carner way police department. I'm standing with mere de jeules and waiting for the rest of my squad. It sucks that when this change occurred we were so far apart. it brings me joy to know that just one of them is still alive. i just hope the rest can make it here...alive.(end transmission)
January 30th, 2009
I've found Charles! Thank God he's alive. He's staying in Carner Way PD but I'm off to better East Boundwood. Hopefully he'll get outside and start killing things soon, but now I'm just happy he's well. -Neil
January 28th, 2009
This is jimmy delaney (jimmymcdelaney). Ive made it to East Boundwood and i am currently searching for a place to stay until the others arrive. Godspeed guys. -Jimmy
January 28th, 2009 (cont.)
Jimmy again, im currently staying in St. Anthony's Church. Extremely well barricaded, but you can get in.
January 27th, 2009
Well I've made it to East Boundwood, but I seem to be the only one. The Flynn Motel, our agreed upon rendezvous, is barricaded to high heaven, so I'll be spending the next few days making it accessible. I tried calling friends on my new found cell phone, but the tower in this area doesn't seem to be working. I'll have to fix that eventually. Hopefully I'll hear from one of my boys soon enough. -Neil
January 25th, 2009
As of right now, we are all still heading towards East Boundwood. From what I know, Danny (danny t macaluso) is in Pitneybank, Charles (cjrob) is in Pescodicide, Cody (Getowned743) is in Dulston, Yancey (Connor O'McManus) is in Brooke Heights, and I, Neil, (Taylor Mali) am in Chancelwood. As far as I know this is accurate, and we will be arriving to clean up the streets shortly. -Neil