User talk:Hashk/Sophie Ames

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Hello. This page is for in-game, in-character discussion with Sophie Ames. Out of character matters are best discussed in User Talk:Hashk. This page has an Archive. Please click on the + symbol above to add a new topic, or add your comment at the end of an ongoing topic to keep things tidy. I will reply in this same page unless you tell me otherwise. Ta.

Lumber Mall

7 zeds outside the south block, counted 8 more spreaded in the neighbourhood. I hope they're as tired as I am. The survivor in the south is okay for now. I could only barricade lightly+2 or so. I need to sleep now. --Sophie Ames 07:25, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

EMRP is in - 70 or so zeds on the streets, most buildings smashed, almost no power anywhere in the suburb. Rothwell Building, however, supposedly has power - so we've now got a local NT we can hit up for supplies. I've got some AP so I'm going to begin stocking up on ammo and gear. --DubStreet 22:10, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
Yeah I heard too. I'm down south watching the barricades. Did you just take them back to EHB? Anyway, don't spend AP on that, I have that covered for now. Some bloke just entered the mall, Caetano something. He's polite. --Sophie Ames 22:16, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

I just checked the hospitals. Josephine is lit, got me some FAKs there. No power in Odo, but not ruined at least. Dub, Piker Pete is in Cracknell Towers, with 5 other survivors - two with (short) PK'er records: ChunkeyMonkey, 645877, allegedly a lumberjack; Mike Pasquinel, 1256140, from Doom Patrol (I've seen that man before, can't remember where). 4 survivors in Josephine, one seems dangerous: nemonic, 1211984, from the "Allied Travellers Organisation". Will inquire about them later. --Sophie Ames 23:34, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

Talking with a few new people about banding together, now that we've got a temporary HQ, broadcast point, and resource point. We need a name now more than ever. What about Danger Zone Support Squad? Or Red Zone Support Squad? Or DSS Redzone Support? Something that cuts to the heart of our goal - to get to hot zones and support the survivor efforts to hold them. I don't know about you, but I'm not hugely interested on finding and taking a HQ. Much more fun to go looking for trouble, and solving it. --DubStreet 02:55, 6 February 2009 (UTC)
"DSS Red Zone Support". Make it so. (no 'squad', please). --Sophie Ames 03:18, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Penny Heights

Doc checking in! glad you guys are on it, here to help; have been dead for way too long but it looks like we finally got some work to do in scenic Penny Heights. I am currently operating out of Shalle 1 N of Lumber, have 10 FAKs, next goal is to fix the phone mast and probably get Rothwell NT up and running (I am totally out of jabbers. BTW, is The Big Prick still functioning?). My last visual scan showed only 6 zeds in my immediate area. Will also need a genny to complete. If I am not in Shalle when you arrive, I will return. --Dr Mycroft Chris 01:27, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

UPDATE-Made a scouting run to the phone mast, occupado by 1 zed, only 6 HP to fix. Don't carry weapons, I use Combat Revive to clear buildings. Will make a run to Phipps to pick up jabbers, then pick up a genny and some go-juice, will prob take 3 days to gather what I need. Do you guys have phones? I do. If anyone available, we can divy up the labor after I get some needles--Dr Mycroft Chris 01:59, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Glad to hear from you doc! I've got three needles left, might as well use them to C.R.A.P. some stubborn zeds. Pyncombes Auto is repaired, I'll let you know if I find fuel there. Josephine's ruined again grr. I didn't peek inside, but there are 5 zeds standing outside, and counted five more in the neighbourhood. We may need more survivors to hold them back, sigh. We both have phones. And yeah, drinks afterward! :D --Sophie Ames 02:22, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, apart from our new assosciate George, we're all experienced revivers with pockets full of needles. I'm currently down to one, however, with only two FAK's as backup. We should make it a priority to take back a NT facility, if Rothwell isn't still up and running. --DubStreet 09:13, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Rothwell is NOT, I repeat NOT up and running. I will get some jabbers to CRAP the zeds inside, have a toolbox to repair. BTW, the watch I have is still set to EST, Eastern Standard Time for the east coast of US. I recommend we operate off of server time, GMT. On radio, I will refer to this as ZULU time. This is standard Military Ops but may still be confusing to zeds with radios and also helpful if we need to coordinate efforts. Thanks, Dub for the head's up!--Dr Mycroft Chris 09:21, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
No problem, Doctor. Couldn't let you get offed by one of the hordes of PK's when we're just getting the recovery operation started. Frankly, I'm more concerned about them than I am about the zeds right now - we've got survivors coming into Lumber Mall, and if they keep running in there for murder, they'll eventually leave and we won't get the critical mass of survivors we need to force the zeds out of the suburb. --DubStreet 10:02, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
I'm out of FAKs now, that's bugging me to no end. No fuel either, have toolbox. If doc's going to Fryerbank, we could get that NT ourselves with my needles, Dub. May be better to wait for him, though, so we can defend it together afterwards. And I really think we need to jab survivors, we need people barricading and the PKers are not helping. I'm on CST currently, that's UTC-6. ZULU is perfectly clear. --Sophie Ames 10:11, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Agreed. Ideally, we need to be reviving armed survivors, who can then take on the PK's, while we continue to heal and revive. That will let us act as force multipliers, instead of just throwing away our AP trying to deal with the pk's directly. I've got a toolbox as well now, will be trying to locate fuel or a generator asap. For the next few hours, however, I'm out of action bar emergency needs - down in the red, energy wise. --DubStreet 10:42, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

(moved conversation here to the end of the section --Sophie)


Hey! George Zip here! I made it out of the library, although there were six zombies outside. I ended up in St. Elizabeth's in Pegton and I'll gather up kits before heading back south-southeast. Status report: zeds everywhere, pretty much. You're gonna need a lot more people, preferably people who don't die as often as I do. Thanks again for that last patch-up, by the way. -George Zip 00:15, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm so glad to know you're alive Zip! Whoa, how did you end up in Pegton? Are Lucius and St Maurice's ruined then? I was counting on those if Josephine and Odo are in zed hands... God I hope Josephine's lit tomorrow. Ah well, you're alive, so are us - my zed friend fell asleep, and Dub rescued me. I say you stock up on FAKs then, spend a day, if it's lit you'll hopefully get 10 kits, maybe more... and believe me, you're going to use them here. And yeah we'll resuscitate a whole bunch... but you're one of us now, so you're more important and better and look just shut it and don't put down yourself! :P No, really, do try not to get dead, we can't go for you there easily. But if you do, doesn't matter, we'll figure something out. Watch out for PKers, and stay clear of Vinetown, RRF is tearing that place. Luck to you. --Sophie Ames 03:48, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Sophie's right, you're one of us, which means I'll cross three suburbs to revive you, regardless of how many other people there are who may need it. I'm hoping Mycroft or his colleagues can handle generator and fuel acquisition, so we can continue to focus on the medical end of things, with a side order of repair and barricading. --DubStreet 06:28, 8 February 2009 (UTC)


Damn, you guys work fast! It will be pleasure to continue with you all. Back in PH, got killed over at Phipps, currently in junkyard...zombiefied!--Dr Mycroft Chris 02:44, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Oh, I just want to party with you, doc, and we can't very well get to that while the suburb is in tatters, now can we? Got it, I'm a little low on AP right now, I'll be with you in 12 hours time, maybe less, if Dub doesn't get there first. --Sophie Ames 03:43, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Man that is sweet news! just so you know, junkyard above Cracknell--Dr Mycroft Chris 06:35, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
You're taken care of, Mycroft. Back amongst the living. I've got Odo General Hospital fueled and at EHB, so hop on over and grab some FAK's. I'm going to have to chill here for a few hours after reviving you - wouldn't mind some company while I nap so I know if a horde bursts in on me. --DubStreet 07:51, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Back in Odo, Dub. Wow. Do you remember? Last time I had to flee with 3 AP and an RRF rotter in hot pursuit, all the way up to Houldenbank, while you were wandering outside infected, looking for a VSB. Heh. Ah well, back to present matters: When I left Rothwell, few minutes ago, there were six survivors there already. It's retaken for good, I should think. But some of those people really need healing. Few zeds outside: the five at Josephine, three more in Club Crossland, one or two in buildings here and there. Looking good. But Dub, I'm going to be offline for a few hours now, can't really help you watch :( --Sophie Ames 09:32, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
All quiet in Odo. But latest update of the Penny Heights page says Rothwell is under attack. Didn't take much time off, the bloody plonkers. --Sophie Ames 17:14, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Tomkyns and Rothwell

Hey Dub. I peeked into Tomkyns about an hour ago. There's a generator in there already, it only needs fuel. The building was VSB, though, I brought it up to HB. I'm at 13 AP now, I think I'll need some 10 hours rest before I'm of use again. Do you have something in mind for the day? If you don't have some more buildings for me to CRAP (haha), then I'm planning on walking over to War Crescent and revive someone - there are a couple candidates in the DEM queues. That'll leave me with just one jabber, and I think I'll save that one for you. Just in case. I'll check on the hospitals too, while I'm down there, and restock if I can. --Sophie Ames 07:04, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Tomkyns is now up and running. Found a fuel can and got the generator going - cell phone service has now been restored to Penny Heights!
Yes! Mr. Street, you are the man. I'll be more than happy to be a target with you. :D --Sophie Ames 07:32, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Objective understood. St. Elizabeth's is all the way up the EHB with power and surivors and everything, so I'm going to gather everything I need here. All I need are FAKs - something you may or may not find funny is that I am, in fact, armed to the teeth - but have terrible aim. I have two loaded pistols, four clips, three flare guns, a shotgun shell (but no shotgun), a fire ax and a toolbox. I also have a radio, a cell phone, binoculars and a book. The book is a John Grisham court-case thriller. And, after a busy round of scrounging, I'm up to four FAKs. If tomorrow's this good I'll be back by nightfall.

The toolbox - which is presently retained for its bludgeoning value - will be very helpful to me once I get the skills I need to use it properly. As of yet, however, I can only claim to be too smart to be called a newbie, and too new to be called anything official. By the way, it's nice to know I'm officially welcomed into the team. I think I'm using the right cliche when I say that it's time to take back the streets. -George Zip 10:30, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Sophie - I'm making some small edits to our group page (and to dub's profile, as well). Let me know what you think, when they're done. Made the acquaintance of doug05257, an unfortunate young man who I accidentally kicked outside. I'd thought he was the zombie I killed earlier, when apparently he was someone that had just been revived. I'm assuming you revived him - if not, we've another good Samaritan in our midst. I've begun talking to promising survivors about our organization and our goals - hopefully we'll be recruiting more assistance, soon.
George - Stay safe, mate. Keep us posted, and send me a message on my talk page if you get into any trouble. I'll be happy to show you how to use that toolbox, once you've got a bit more experience under your belt. While you're out and about, remember to try and update the status files for important buildings you pass. Even if you don't have the time to go in, just seeing if they're unpowered or ruined, when they'd been reported as safe, is a huge help. Every piece of valid information we get can save lives - quite possibly our own! See you soon, I'm sure. --DubStreet 13:02, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Haha George, I know all about having weapons and not knowing how to use them - that actually got me killed, remind me to tell you about it some time. Good luck with the kits, and yeah keep that toolbox, very handy that one. Dub, that Doug bloke was the zed standing in Tomkyns, who got CRed by me so I could repair... well, it's not much of a "combat" one when your zed profile asks for the revive, now is it? Heh. I told you to leave the body inside, right before my little emergency yesterday, you must have missed it. And anyway, I'm actually with you, about that building being too important to take a chance. I'm a bit busy at the moment IRL, but I'll check your changes in an hour or two. --Sophie Ames 14:32, 8 February 2009 (UTC)


URGENT: This is George. I traveled back from St. Elizabeth's; status listing on the Penny Heights page. The Rothwell building is crawling with zeds. I've already notified Dub. Scare up somebody with NT creds and send him to Rothwell: there's still one survivor in there.... -George Zip 00:34, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

Got it George, glad to see you back. Are you safe? Hurt? How many zeds in Rothwell? You may want to add this page to your "watchlist", while the forum is being set up, so you get notified when it's changed. Dub, maybe we could coordinate a strike with doc Mycroft? CRAP them out all at the same time before they get a chance to get back in? I'll wait for you to respond this time before going there myself (still regretting that one heh). --Sophie Ames 00:44, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Ah, never mind, seven. Seven! Sigh. Hey, that's one bloody great report George. May be a bit too detailed for the suburb page though, maybe we'll need to move it to our group page. But get to safety, we'll revive Miss Moneypenny if she gets eaten, but we can't afford to keep her alive against that. Let's wait for Dub a bit. --Sophie Ames 00:50, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
I do so hate having to leave perfectly good human beings to die. *Sigh* Like I said, I'm in Tomkyns. Do we have a headquarters? If we don't, we really need one. As for myself: I got beat up a bit but I'm not infected and have five FAKs left. Awaiting instructions. -George Zip 00:57, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Sigh. I'm afraid Dub may be offline. I'd say there's not much risk to you right now, what with the zombies busy eating poor Miss Moneypenny, and all that. I think we can wait. We have to, I have no choice. Try to check the barricades if you can, but don't burn up all your script hits. The factory 1N may be a better shelter than Tomkyns if/when you go offline. I may go up there to bring 'cades up, but I barely have AP for the trip and a revive, and I want to be ready if Dub comes. --Sophie Ames 01:15, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Alright, I'm in the factory. I'll hang here until you and Dub work a plan out. I'll just practice snapping my fingers, I've be meaning to learn how to snap my fingers. -George Zip 01:27, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Or clean those binoculars, too, don't forget the cool binoculars :D --Sophie Ames 01:41, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Got pretty good snapping with the left hand, cleaned binoculars. Moneypenny is - incredibly - still alive; the seven zombies also appear to be asleep. Fun project for another day: figure out exactly how much noise it takes to wake the dead. Moneypenny has free running, so if she wakes up before she dies I told her to join me in the factory. I took a couple hours off to watch - really - Day of the Dead. I'm going to knock off for the night; I'm back in the factory. We seriously need to start routing these conversations through the DSS Red Zone Support page. And we need a radio frequency, and receivers, and a logo, and possibly some more guns... I'm gonna sleep. It looks like this factory made sawblades, so finding something soft should be interesting. -George Zip 04:12, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Well, I'm not sure there's much of a point in our grabbing a HQ, since our operational philosophy is to move from one Red Zone to another, wherever we're needed. You're absolutely right about needing a logo, however. I suppose we could set up a base building here in Penny Heights once we've cleaned it, to act as a broadcast HQ for coordinating operations and reports, though that would mean someone would have to hang out there for the relaying. Finally, I absolutely agree - until the forum is operational, let's start handling these discussions on our wiki page, instead of doing them on three different talk pages. It's getting a little confusing. --DubStreet 04:22, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Whoops, earlier reply got eaten - adding it back into the page below.
Sorry, folks, had to regain my AP, just now had a chance to check in today. I'm trying to rally the troops in Odo General and talking with Mycroft via the mobile phone - we obviously need that necrotech facility - and if we did lose the survivors in there, well, we'll just have to bring 'em back to life. I've got three needles, mycroft has two and an essentially limitless supply of FAK's - how are you stocked up, Sophie? --DubStreet 04:27, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Sorry to keep you waiting, lads. I'm online now, catching up. Dub: five needles, two sodding FAKs, bit of ammo. 30AP. --Sophie Ames 05:08, 10 February 2009 (UTC)