User talk:Sadie/kills

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You know what would be cool - naming the 184--C Whitty 21:10, 1 June 2009 (BST)

I concur completely, Mr Whitty. Unfortunately due to my last computer internally combusting for no good reason I've lost pretty much my entire kill list so only the last forty or so are named. You can see their names by hovering over their cross for a second. I promise to name the next 184, just for you. --Sadie 03:51, 2 June 2009 (BST)

Sadie you are a star! and if you ever need to add a name, I am always most willing --C Whitty 09:04, 2 June 2009 (BST)

Why thank you, Sir, shall I take that as permission to come kill you? Or where you volounteering to help? Also, if it doesn't seem a little rude to ask, who are you? --Sadie 23:50, 2 June 2009 (BST)

Sadie I am C Whitty of The Nobodies

We hunt Fortress members (our eternal enemy) and PK anyone else who gets in our way - but I was so enamoured with your wiki page I would love to be an honourable mention on said page with my own little cross. "whispers" I am in Roftwood ;)

Also we are always looking for people that we can have mutual understandings with (we dont kill everyone we meet) and I hate to presume but you seem like our kinda folk! --C Whitty 09:28, 3 June 2009 (BST)

Well, Mr C Whitty of the nobodies, that is indeed an intriguing offer, I might just make that trip to Roftwood after all. After I'm done slaughtering Team Zombie Hardcore and their zerging allies in the Blythevilles of course. I've killed a few Fortress members myself I think, they do make particularly satisfying targets, all bundled up in the same little building so you can have your pick of them. I'm like a kid in a candy store with a shotgun around them. When I'm done here I might just come hang around with you guys for a while, assuming that's okay? --Sadie 14:25, 4 June 2009 (BST)

My dear it would be a pleasure, I do rather dislike those TZHer's and their love for inane celebrities. We plan a party Sunday night at the Maybee Cinema in Shackleville where they are all huddled together just awaiting our arrival (Fortress) I have the genni, my gentleman friend Blair Wells has the fuel perhaps you could bring the Shotguns? I would hate for such a delightful slaughter to be missed and your adept skills seem suited for an enclosed cinema filled with willing victims and no escape.--C Whitty 17:57, 4 June 2009 (BST)

Actually I think I'll take you up on this rather generous offer of yours, I need a break from all idiocy in the Blythvilles, a nice little slaughter sounds like good times. I joined your forum so that coordination isn't out in the open. My profile's here, could you PM me the attack times or whatever it is you're planning? I'm in Greentown at the minute, I'll be travelling up tomorrow. See ya there, dude. --Sadie 17:22, 5 June 2009 (BST)