First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry/recruitment

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Revision as of 02:05, 13 July 2009 by Icie Hot (talk | contribs)
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FANNY (First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry)

The First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry, or FANNY, is an open group specializing in medical support. FANNY provides skilled and sexy first aid and revival services to humans in need. If you have a sultry bedside manner, horsemanship (please provide own riding crop and boots) and a healing touch, you're our type of gal.

MANNY (Men's Auxiliary Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry) The Men's Auxiliary Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry, or MANNY, are first and foremost gentlemen. MANNY clear zombies from vital resource points needed by FANNY nurses, protecting them and keep the morale of the FANNY nurses high. For all those males who find the prospect of serving under a bunch of (sexy) nurses to be an appealing prospect, then come on over big boy!

To join FANNY or MANNY, please drop by the forum to say hello. If your profile and outlook are compatible, we'll be pleased to add you to our ranks.
