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Revision as of 00:02, 18 November 2009 by Chekken (talk | contribs) (Incident)
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Hey envy let me join dude! for the living! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Frank Fort (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

ENVY Group Talk

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Hi TreeBob, could do with being stuck alright, am at hampton place, one click north of suggs NT.

Thanks mate.

Hey catchy, come to Britain Building. TreeBob Talk | ENVY

Seems like you got me, thanks mate.

Now ai am dead at the RP by the hospital near you  :( TreeBob Talk | ENVY

I'll come and get you in a few hours if you are still there.

do me a favour, email me at TreeBob Talk | ENVY


CORAM would like to request an alliance with ENVY. We're in Lukinswood, not far from your Nomadic Division. x --    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18:26, 15 November 2009 (UTC)


Y'know, I really don't appreciate members of ENVY going around and making unfounded accusations about me. Perhaps Nurse Houlihan should get her goddamn facts straight; I do not revive known PKers. Brianna Blackmoor has a bounty. If PKers hang around my revive points, and I am playing on my survivor character at the time, I will kill them. This is not a group policy: this is all me. Therefore, I find it in extremely poor taste to insult all of Axes High based on my personal play-style, let alone the fact that she called me "retarded". I am offended by Houlihan's actions and my opinion of ENVY has changed for the worst because of this incident. Please speak to her. --Chekken 00:02, 18 November 2009 (UTC)