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Revision as of 05:44, 4 April 2010 by Wyndfyre (talk | contribs)
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800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.

Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
This user really, really likes cheese.

About Me

Since I'm so bad at making paragraphs about myself, I'll make a list of random facts about me.

- I seem to switch between capitalizing 'zombie' and keeping it normal.

- My favorite number in the alphabet is purple.

- No, seriously.

- I actually hate the taste of cheese, but I like cheese itself. Hm. Weird.

blah blah blah, to be edited later. c:

How I found Urban Dead

Not quite sure about this. I recall looking at a list of websites and possibly seeing Urban Dead, or maybe I had no success, remembered Kevan's zombie viral Graaaagh!, then saw Urban Dead being advertised. Whatever the case, I joined as Wyndfyre, a zombie with no success at doing anything at all. Eventually I created Karen Vasser, my dual nature firefighter, and abandoned Wyndfyre in some corner in Malton somewhere. Good riddance, failure.


A few weeks or so after creating Karen, I was tired of being a survivor all the time (it's not like I was ever vulnerable to zombies hiding out in the Malton Zoo, lawl) and made Phoebe Marx, my Zombie. Karen is more survivor-natured, but when I feel like it she's a zombie, otherwise she's just revived. I know that's not true dual nature, but it's MY dual nature.

