Dunell Hills Liberation Army

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Dunell Hills Liberation Army
Abbreviation: DHLA
Group Numbers: ?
Leadership: Vlace
Goals: Bringing freedom and aid to Dunell Hills and the surrounding areas
Recruitment Policy: Contact Vlace for information.
Contact: Our talk page.

The Dunell Hills Liberation Army is a group in Dunell Hills. The Dunell Hills Liberation Army is a group of rag tag members trying to bring order back to Dunell Hills and setting it up as a power house for the survivors. They like to hang around the police stations and hospitals of the area trying to just stay alive at this point. Though they are very small right now, they are working at getting new recruits for the effort. If ever in the area and need a hand just call for the DHLA and they'll come to the aid... Hopefully in time.


To keep Dunell Hills and the surrounding areas safe.


Talisman, Vlace, Rendora


The DHLA is recruiting anyone at the moment. If you want to join then just write on the talk page of this or find the leaders; Talisman, Vlace, or Rendora.

Allies and Enemies