Zombie Radio Madness!
Group Numbers:
Entertain and Inform the masses
Recruitment Policy:
Leave a comment in discussion,I'll reply ASAP
What's that thing?
This user loves showing off their junk, and coercing others to do the same.
Zombie Radio Madness is a new radio station operating within Gibsonton. Our goal is to bring news, music, entertainment,madness and important reports to the masses.We try to aim for daily broadcast but as you know life does tend to get in the way. Everything will be recorded and displayed our archive for any and all to see.
Bulletin Board
- Sanus Vox HQ is trashed.Broadcast have been postponed.July 28th,2010
- Holmgard is experiencing internet problems,soon to be resolved.August 2nd,2010
- Sanus vox will soon be back online.August 11th,2010
- Sanus Vox is back!August 21st,2010
- Undergoing maintenance,no broadcast today.August 31st,2010
- Sanus Vox is moving to new lodgings in the Buckrell Arms.September 3rd,2010
- Sanus vox is now,officially,Zombie Radio Madness.September 5th,2010
Friend Of The Zoo
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo!
This user or group supports or is affiliated with the B.A.R.
July 25th,2010
- You broadcast "Heeellllloooo Malton.Isn't it just another glorious day in " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Zombieland.I'm very proud to say that this is Sanus Vox," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "a healthy voice in all this decay,thist is our" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "First broadcast and I'm your host,Holmgard" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm coming to you live from my fortified bunker in Gibsonton" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm sorry for any repeats,we seem to be having technical " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "difficulty with our sperm modem.You know the one I'm talking" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "about.3G,Vodafone and O2 sell them." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Well I guess it's time for a spot of new.Survivors have " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "reported that there is a very large number of rotters south " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "of Gibsonton.If you do decide to go that way make sure you " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "have enough guns.That's all for now.Later on we may have a " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "guest on,but what he says is up to him.And I leave you now " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "with some music." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu2DaLiA1yo" on 27.34 MHz.
Heeellllloooo Malton.Isn't it just another glorious day in Zombieland.I'm very proud to say that this is Sanus Vox,a healthy voice in all this decay,this is our First broadcast and I'm your host,Holmgard.I'm coming to you live from my fortified bunker in Gibsonton.I'm sorry for any repeats,we seem to be having technical difficulty with our sperm modem.You know the one I'm talking about.3G,Vodafone and O2 sell them.Well I guess it's time for a spot of new.Survivors have reported that there is a very large number of rotters south of Gibsonton.If you do decide to go that way make sure you have enough guns.That's all for now.Later on we may have a guest on,but what he says is up to him.And I leave you now with some music.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu2DaLiA1yo
July 26th,2010
- Area51T broadcast "Right, hello. I am Lieutenant Area 51T" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "of the Imperium of Man, I hope everyone is having at least a" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "decent time trying to survive in this zone." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "As my predecessor stated before me, there is a large" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "concentration of rotters south of Gibsonton." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "So make sure to stock up on enough ammo and supplies before" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "venturing into that area." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "And now I'll leave you with some music to listen to while" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "killing time in the wastes." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "Remember, the only good mutant, is a dead mutant!" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "This is Lieutenant Area51T signing off." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Area51T broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_5_x1IUA8" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
Right, hello. I am Lieutenant Area 51T" from here of the Imperium of Man, I hope everyone is having at least a decent time trying to survive in this zone.As my predecessor stated before me, there is a large concentration of rotters south of Gibsonton.So make sure to stock up on enough ammo and supplies before venturing into that area.And now I'll leave you with some music to listen to while killing time in the wastes.Remember, the only good mutant, is a dead mutant!This is Lieutenant Area51T signing off.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_5_x1IUA8
August 21st,2010
Sanus Vox is back on the air!Things will be a little slugish for a day or two while things in Gibsonton are back to normal.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TteLSVxsCg&feature=av2n
August 22nd,2010
- You broadcast "Hello Malton.This is Sanus Vox and I'm your host,Holmgard." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Things have been rather hectic here since Big Bash 3 came" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "rolling through.Thankfully they've moved on to" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "West Boundwood,although we still have a few" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "stragglers around.Latest reporst say that revives" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and FAKs are in short supply here but hey," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "you might get lucky.That's all for now," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "we might have a guest later on,but now," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "some music;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKv9FP3FzoQ" on 27.34 MHz.
Hello Malton.This is Sanus Vox and I'm your host,Holmgard.Things have been rather hectic here since Big Bash 3 came rolling through.Thankfully they've moved on to West Boundwood,although we still have a few stragglers around.Latest reporst say that revives and FAKs are in short supply here but hey,you might get lucky.That's all for now,we might have a guest later on,but now,some music;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKv9FP3FzoQ
August 23rd,2010
- You broadcast "Hello good people of Malton.Holmgard here." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm not sure but I think the zombies in Gibsonton have got " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "it out for me.Every time I get Vox HQ up" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and running they start to siege me.Anyway," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "a good portion of buildings are still in ruins," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "so if you have the time fix one or two." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "While you're here,don't forget to drop into" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "the Buckrell Arms and soak up the atmosphere." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And now,some music;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jySfU10IQu4" on 27.34 MHz.
Hello good people of Malton.Holmgard here.I'm not sure but I think the zombies in Gibsonton have got it out for me.Every time I get Vox HQ up and running they start to siege me.Anyway,a good portion of buildings are still in ruins,so if you have the time fix one or two.While you're here,don't forget to drop into the Buckrell Arms and soak up the atmosphere.And now,some music;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jySfU10IQu4
August 24th,2010
- You broadcast "Good evening Malton.I've fond something rather interesting " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "as of late.While I have been going on about Big Bash 3" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast ",turns out there is an anti-bash." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Justinbronze is hosting this event called " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "'Project Operation Let's Not Get Our Asses Kicked'." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "The designated 'Burb is Ridleybank,but it" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "is a city wide event.I say get involved," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "it's bound to be great fun. See the UD forums for more." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "That's all for today,here's some music;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORsFFjt1x6Q" on 27.34 MHz.
Good evening Malton.I've fond something rather interesting as of late.While I have been going on about Big Bash 3,turns out there is an anti-bash.Justinbronze is hosting this event called 'Project Operation Let's Not Get Our Asses Kicked'.The designated 'Burb is Ridleybank,but it is a city wide event.I say get involved,it's bound to be great fun. See the UD forums for more.That's all for today,here's some music;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORsFFjt1x6Q
August 26th,2010
- You broadcast "Good afternoon people of Malton." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Sorry we couldn't get a broadcast yesterday,work got in the " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "way. But while I was working I started to" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "think about the whole Bash business.Personally,I rather" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "like the idead of Big Bash facing off against the anti-bash" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "each year. You could add an extra dimension" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "to UD that way.Make things a bit more interesting." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "That's all for today,I leave you with some music;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5cLXZJGuv4&feature=fvsr" on 27.34 MHz.
Good afternoon people of Malton.Sorry we couldn't get a broadcast yesterday,work got in the way.But while I was working I started to think about the whole Bash business.Personally,I rather like the idead of Big Bash facing off against the anti-bash each year.You could add an extra dimension to UD that way.Make things a bit more interesting.That's all for today,I leave you with some music;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5cLXZJGuv4&feature=fvsr
August 27th,2010
- You broadcast "Hello good people of Malton.Sorry to say" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "there's not that much news flowing in right now." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "This might be because a lot of people" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "will be returning to school soon.Hopefully it'll pick up." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'll be starting college soon so I might" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "just get a little help with the station." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "On a side note:if anyone out who's listening" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "is a tattooist,please contact me.Anyway;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLJf9qJHR3E" on 27.34 MHz.
Hello good people of Malton.Sorry to say there's not that much news flowing in right now.This might bbe because a lot of people will be returning to school soon.Hopefully it'll pick up.I'll be starting college soon so I might just get a little help with the station.On a side note:if anyone out who's listening is a tattooist,please contact me.Anyway;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLJf9qJHR3E
August 28th,2010
- You broadcast "Good evenng Malton.ya know,I'm thinking of getting" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "a jingle for the show.....or something." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "We are now doing requests foe songs.If you got a" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "song to share,post it on the wiki." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And now for the news:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "the price of gas in Malton has gone up another 3$!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It's now 15$ a gallon." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "How am I supposed to plough through the hords" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "in my SUV if I cant fill it." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It's terrible,this city's going to Hell I tells ya." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And here's some music;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDNQ2UrCPWg" on 27.34 MHz.
Good evenng Malton.ya know,I'm thinking of getting a jingle for the show.....or something.We are now doing requests for songs.If you got a song to share,post it on the wiki.And now for the news:the price of gas in Malton has gone up another 3$!It's now 15$ a gallon.How am I supposed to plough through the hords in my SUV if I cant fill it.It's terrible,this city's going to Hell I tells ya.And here's some music;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDNQ2UrCPWg
August 29th,2010
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Greetings Malton, this is TheGuyWithHisPantsOn." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Also known as Guy, proprietor of the Buckrell Arms." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Holmgard couldn’t make it today so I’m filling in for him" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "I have some very interesting news for you guys today." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "It would seem that mails are being delivered" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "to a lot of safehouses around Malton." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "I got one myself at the Buckrell arms recently. It said:" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Hello, we are planning to rescue you soon -" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Please come to Duffin Park in Ridleybank" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "as soon as possible for pickup -" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "Sincerely yours, the Army (not the zombies)." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "It would seem like the Death cultists have been busy." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "don’t fall for this obvious scam." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "On a final note" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "feel free to drop in the Buckrell arms anytime." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "We are often open, as long as you are alive." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "And now, I leave you with some music. Enjoy." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- TheGuyWithHisPantsOn broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3guIeXx6YY&feature=related" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
Greetings Malton, this is TheGuyWithHisPantsOn. Also known as Guy, proprietor of the Buckrell Arms. Holmgard couldn’t make it today so I’m filling in for him. I have some very interesting news for you guys today. It would seem that mails are being delivered to a lot of safehouses around Malton. I got one myself at the Buckrell arms recently. It said: Hello, we are planning to rescue you soon. Please come to Duffin Park in Ridleybank as soon as possible for pickup. Sincerely yours, the Army (not the zombies). It would seem like the Death cultists have been busy. Don’t fall for this obvious scam. On a final note, feel free to drop in the Buckrell arms anytime. We are often open, as long as you are alive. And now, I leave you with some music. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3guIeXx6YY&feature=related
August 30th,2010
- You broadcast "Good afternoon people of Malton." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Big news,today is hot hotest day in the history of Malton." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Temperatures have soared to Fuck Me That's Fucking HOT,OMG" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "WTF.In other news the 1,750 lbs Rhino that escaped" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "from the Ketchelbank City Zoo has been captured," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "however the 2,250 lbs Rhino is still at large." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "The Manager had this to say;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "'Sure there have been deaths but none of them serious.'" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I leave you now with a requested song;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoi25XRDeeo" on 27.34 MHz.
Good afternoon people of Malton.Big news,today is hot hotest day in the history of Malton.Temperatures have soared to Fuck Me That's Fucking HOT,OMG WTF.In other news the 1,750 lbs Rhino that escaped from the Ketchelbank City Zoo has been captured,however the 2,250 lbs Rhino is still at large.The Manager had this to say;'Sure there have been deaths but none of them serious'.I leave you now with a requested song;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoi25XRDeeo
September 1st,2010
- You broadcast "Hello good people of Malton.Isn't it just another" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "glorious day in Post-Apocalytia.Just a reminder that" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Sanus Vox is recruiting anyone who wants in." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "In bigger news,Sanus Vox is going to have a new name" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and look in a few days.Now remember kids," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "don't feed the zombies" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7AZIvDD5Lw" on 27.34 MHz.
Hello good people of Malton.Isn't it just another glorious day in Post-Apocalytia.Just a reminder that Sanus Vox is recruiting anyone who wants in.In bigger news,Sanus Vox is going to have a new name and look in a few days.Now remember kids,don't feed the zombies.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7AZIvDD5Lw
September 2nd,2010
- You broadcast "Goodevening,goodevening,goodevening.I would like" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "to open with a quote from the great Oscar Wilde," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "'Thirty five is a very attractive age; London society is " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "full of women who have of their own free choice remained " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "thirty-five for years'.It looks like the anti-bash in" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Ridleybank might fail.The Blackmore building fell" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "2 days ago,despite have 300+ participants,and the horde are" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "still pushing.In lighter news,I hope everyone will join" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "me for a drink in the Buckrell Arms this September 23rd" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "for Arthur Guinness Day.Now remenber kids,more than" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "2 tugs and you're playing with yourself." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq3l5yVWWX0 " on 27.34 MHz.
Goodevening,goodevening,goodevening.I would like to open with a quote from the great Oscar Wilde,'Thirty five is a very attractive age; London society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty-five for years'.It looks like the anti-bash in Ridleybank might fail.The Blackmore building fell 2 days ago,despite have 300+ participants,and the horde are still pushing.In lighter news,I hope everyone will join me for a drink in the Buckrell Arms this September 23rd for Arthur Guinness Day.Now remenber kids,more than 2 tugs and you're playing with yourself.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq3l5yVWWX0
September 3rd,2010
- Information:Unknown caller
- 27.34 MHz: "Holmgard, thank you so much for that broadcast!"
- 27.34 MHz: "I will definitely be there on September 23 to share a pint."
- 27.34 MHz: "Oh, and for everyone else, follow Holmgard and add him"
- 27.34 MHz: "to your contacts! His id is 1440575. Friend him today!"
- You broadcast "Hello Malton,how the hell are you!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Great news people,Sanus Vox is now broadcasting from " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Buckrell Arms,home to the finest liquors around." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I want to thank our mysterious,and al be it suspicious," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "caller.If anyone has a request or message they want aired," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "post it on the wiki.Satisfaction guaranteed.I was going" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "to talk about the 100km tailback on the Beijing-Tibet road" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "but it's not that important.How easy it must have been" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "to rob stuff,the get-away would have been a bitch but still." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "In other news,Ryanair anounces new flights from Dublin to " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Cork,the population of Malton has made a noteable increase." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It's not all bad for Ryanair customers,some of the even got " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "their bags back.Now remember kids," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "never accept a ride from a stranger,unless he's rich." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcGb24n9hvM" on 27.34 MHz.
Hello Malton,how the hell are you!Great news people,Sanus Vox is now broadcasting from Buckrell Arms,home to the finest liquors around.I want to thank our mysterious,and al be it suspicious,caller.If anyone has a request or message they want aired,post it on the wiki.Satisfaction guaranteed.I was going to talk about the 100km tailback on the Beijing-Tibet road but it's not that important.How easy it must have been to rob stuff,the get-away would have been a bitch but still.In other news,Ryanair anounces new flights from Dublin to Cork,the population of Malton has made a noteable increase.It's not all bad for Ryanair customers,some of the even got their bags back.Now remember kids,never accept a ride from a stranger,unless he's rich.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcGb24n9hvM
September 4th,2010
- You broadcast "Good afternoon everyone." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Just so you all know,Sanus Vox has moved to its" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "fabulous/fantastic/amazing new lodgings in the Buckrell Arms" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "There was nothing wrong with the old building,but it" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "didn't have cold beer on tap.I have been pondering something" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast ",maybe you have aswell but,when will they drop" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "the bomb on Malton?When is the government going to" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "go 'That's enough' and blast us into our own shadows?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Hell if I know,but when we do hear the growing whistle" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "of the missile we should all go out in style." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Egyptian style.Just to fuck with them." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Now remember kids:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "your mouth says no no,but your eyes say...num,num,num." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyQwRUeFSV0" on 27.34 MHz.
Good afternoon everyone.Just so you all know,Sanus Vox has moved to its fabulous/fantastic/amazing new lodgings in the Buckrell Arms.There was nothing wrong with the old building,but it didn't have cold beer on tap.I have been pondering something,maybe you have aswell but,when will they drop the bomb on Malton?When is the government going to go 'That's enough' and blast us into our own shadows?Hell if I know,but when we do hear the growing whistle of the missile we should all go out in style.Egyptian style.Just to fuck with them.Now remember kids:your mouth says no no,but your eyes say...num,num,num.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyQwRUeFSV0
September 6th,2010
- You broadcast "Здравствуйте хорошие люди Malton" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Heute dachte ich, dass wir versuchen könnten," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "ein bisschen mehr international zu sein." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Mais d'abord, 10 points à quelqu'un qui peut me dire " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "combien de pamplemousse j'ai en bas mon pantalon." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And now without further delay.You are now listening to " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Zombie Radio Madness!Yes,Sanus Vox with a funny hat." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "No news today folks but here's an idea," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "how about we try to arrange a city wide game of football?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm sure we could find enough people to play," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "all that remains is where and how." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "While I leave you to think about that," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "here's some music:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSFV6RhdsNs" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "screw it I've changed my mind," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "here's something with a bit more grit" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGl2xq2e1Yo&feature=fvst" on 27.34 MHz.
Здравствуйте хорошие люди Malton.Heute dachte ich, dass wir versuchen könnten, ein bisschen mehr international zu sein.Mais d'abord, 10 points à quelqu'un qui peut me dire combien de pamplemousse j'ai en bas mon pantalon.And now without further delay.You are now listening to Zombie Radio Madness!Yes,Sanus Vox with a funny hat.No news today folks but here's an idea,how about we try to arrange a city wide game of football?I'm sure we could find enough people to play,all that remains is where and how.While I leave you to think about that,here's some music:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSFV6RhdsNs.Screw it I've changed my mind,here's something with a bit more grit:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGl2xq2e1Yo&feature=fvst
September 8th,2010
- You broadcast "Hello,hello,hello.You're listening to Zombie Radio Madness," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Gibsontons source of news,fun and vitamin B." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "For any new listeners,or old for that matter," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "you can find all of our broadcasts on the wiki." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Malheureusement personne n'a deviné combien de" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "pamplemousse sont dans mon pantalon encore." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I have a question for you my loyal audience;" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Why are we here?I mean Malton,why are we still in Malton?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "What's stoping us?A wall?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm pretty sure we have to technology to,you know," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "get over the wall...or under?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Even if there's guns,death isn't always fatal." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "On that note,I leave you with a personal favorite of mine:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7kJRGPgvRQ&feature=fvw " on 27.34 MHz.
Hello,hello,hello.You're listening to Zombie Radio Madness,Gibsontons source of news,fun and vitamin B.For any new listeners,or old for that matter,you can find all of our broadcasts on the wiki.Malheureusement personne n'a deviné combien de pamplemousse sont dans mon pantalon encore.I have a question for you my loyal audience;Why are we here?I mean Malton,why are we still in Malton?What's stoping us?A wall?I'm pretty sure we have to technology to,you know,get over the wall...or under?Even if there's guns,death isn't always fatal.On that note,I leave you with a personal favorite of mine:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7kJRGPgvRQ&feature=fvw
September 9th,2010
- You broadcast "The Show that used to be Sanus Vox is proud to present:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "The Zombie and the syringe. the first 3D radio Broadcast!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Tonight at 8... oh wait no erm, some time later this week..." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Don't miss out on this exclusive one part epic tale." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "In other news, A Flare was shot today... ... ..." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And finally, I leave you with some music..." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4A7vAKX7uI" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "This has been TheGuyWithHisPantsOn. Drive safely." on 27.34 MHz.
The Show that used to be Sanus Vox is proud to present: The Zombie and the syringe. the first 3D radio Broadcast! Tonight at 8... oh wait no erm, some time later this week... Don't miss out on this exclusive one part epic tale. In other news, A Flare was shot today... ... ... And finally, I leave you with some music... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4A7vAKX7uI . This has been TheGuyWithHisPantsOn. Drive safely.
September 10th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Alright Malton!You've just heard ZMR's official jingle," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "courtesy of Blink 182.Now recently people have been" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "slapping me with newspapers thinking that the information " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "will magically appear in my head.Well guess what?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It doesn't work,fucking shocker!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "A reminder to all our listeners,we still take song requests" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and to come on down to the Buckrell Arms this Arthurs Day." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "A slight change has been made to our usual program." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Instead of music for the next few days,you'll be in for a " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "treat:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM-cOfy56BI&feature=related" on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle.Alright Malton!You've just heard ZMR's official jingle,courtesy of Blink 182.Now recently people have been slapping me with newspapers thinking that the information will magically appear in my head.Well guess what?It doesn't work,fucking shocker!A reminder to all our listeners,we still take song requests and to come on down to the Buckrell Arms this Arthurs Day.A slight change has been made to our usual program.Instead of music for the next few days,you'll be in for a treat:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM-cOfy56BI&feature=related
September 12th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Hello Again, Malton, Guy from the Buckrell arms here." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "We now finally have the ordered copy of the one part epic" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "The Zombie and the Syringe the first ever 3D radio Broadcast" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "However, something has gone wrong, and the copy we got is in" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Japanese. We are very sorry, and hope to get the ordered" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "English version very soon for you guys to enjoy!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "However, I have something else for you" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Come around the Buckrell arms and pick up your copy of" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "What To Do In A Zombie Attack, 100% free!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzkJbWl45kU&feature=related" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Stay safe, and remember kids, don't sleep outside!" on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle.Hello Again, Malton, Guy from the Buckrell arms here. We now finally have the ordered copy of the one part epic, The Zombie and the Syringe the first ever 3D radio Broadcast. However, something has gone wrong, and the copy we got is in Japanese. We are very sorry, and hope to get the ordered English version very soon for you guys to enjoy! However, I have something else for you. Come around the Buckrell arms and pick up your copy of What To Do In A Zombie Attack, 100% free! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzkJbWl45kU&feature=related . Stay safe, and remember kids, don't sleep outside!
September 13th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Malton, I hope you all stayed indoors like I told you last" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Time. Last night we had the worst downpour we have seen for " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "quite a while. Think the last one was back when the storm" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "in August hit. That was crazy." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Anyway, here is a short followup on the news a few days ago." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I reported earlier this month that a flare was shot " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Somewhere in Malton. Well it happened again." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "This time, I send a field reporter to check on the flare." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "He brought a radio with him, but unfortunately that can't " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Be used to report back. He returned not too long ago though" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "He informed me the flare was shot from" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Attrill Boulevard School. Apparently it was some kid who had" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "nothing better to do then bother everyone else to get some" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "attention. So it was all a false alarm." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Today I leave you with a special reenactment of the song:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Re: Your Brains, check it out." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOlznuyPOeM" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Todays show was sponsored by, F.A.K." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "F**king Annoying Kids!" on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle.Malton, I hope you all stayed indoors like I told you last time. Last night we had the worst downpour we have seen for quite a while. Think the last one was back when the storm in August hit. That was crazy. Anyway, here is a short followup on the news a few days ago. I reported earlier this month that a flare was shot somewhere in Malton. Well it happened again. This time, I send a field reporter to check on the flare. He brought a radio with him, but unfortunately that can't be used to report back. He returned not too long ago though. He informed me the flare was shot from Attrill Boulevard School. Apparently it was some kid who had nothing better to do then bother everyone else to get some attention. So it was all a false alarm. Today I leave you with a special reenactment of the song: Re: Your Brains, check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOlznuyPOeM . Todays show was sponsored by, F.A.K. F**king Annoying Kids!
September 15th,2010
- Asoldier broadcast "Ladies, gentlemen, this is Asoldier. How are we all today?" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "I'm here to bring you the news on what's new in the area." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Seems that all the 'useful' buildings...The Buckrell arms..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "The various hospitals and police stations aswell as the NT.." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Are all up and running, and nary a zombie in sight." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "If you're in the area, drop by. We've got plenty of brews." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "This is Buckrell Arms, Asoldier, seeing you folks later." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
Ladies, gentlemen, this is Asoldier. How are we all today? I'm here to bring you the news on what's new in the area. Seems that all the 'useful' buildings...The Buckrell arms... The various hospitals and police stations aswell as the NT.. Are all up and running, and nary a zombie in sight. If you're in the area, drop by. We've got plenty of brews. This is Buckrell Arms, Asoldier, seeing you folks later.
September 16th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Howdy Malton, Guy here with some news. " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It would seem NecroTech have finally done some research" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "on zombies and alcohol. As a bartender," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I have witnessed firsthand how some zombies have gone on a " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "rampage after drinking. As was pointed out to me by Holmgard" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "zombies should not be affected by alcohol," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "but since I had personal experience with it" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I ask NecroTech to check it out. " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "We finally have the results of the test." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It seems that the Frenzy some zombies enter when they drink " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "alcohol is actually an allergic reaction. " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "The allergy is very likely caused by something in the mix " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "for the revivification syringes. It will only affect you " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "while your body is dead though, so don’t worry " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "about getting revived. How exactly the allergy affect you " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "only when you’re dead is beyond me," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "but hey, I’m not a scientist. " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Note however that not all zombies are affected" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "by this allergy! It is possible that the allergy only enters" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "the body through overexposure to the needle." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "NecroTech currently have other things to research," on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "they have promised me they will return to the project " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "when they have the time." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Folks, you know what times it is. It’s time for some music" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Today we present to you: Still Alive! " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Why? Because I can, that’s why! " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "This is Guy of the B.A.T. and I approve this message." on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle. Howdy Malton, Guy here with some news. It would seem NecroTech have finally done some research on zombies and alcohol. As a bartender, I have witnessed firsthand how some zombies have gone on a rampage after drinking. As was pointed out to me by Holmgard, zombies should not be affected by alcohol, but since I had personal experience with it I ask NecroTech to check it out. We finally have the results of the test. It seems that the Frenzy some zombies enter when they drink alcohol is actually an allergic reaction. The allergy is very likely caused by something in the mix for the revivification syringes. It will only affect you while your body is dead though, so don’t worry about getting revived. How exactly the allergy affect you only when you’re dead is beyond me, but hey, I’m not a scientist. Note however that not all zombies are affected by this allergy! It is possible that the allergy only enters the body through overexposure to the needle. NecroTech currently have other things to research, but they have promised me they will return to the project when they have the time. Folks, you know what times it is. It’s time for some music. Today we present to you: Still Alive! Why? Because I can, that’s why! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI . This is Guy of the B.A.T. and I approve this message.
September 17th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Yes!Hellooo Malton!It's ME,Holmgard!why have I been away?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I wont say,but I will say this:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "sexual harassment in the workplace is no joke." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "If you,the fucking epic listener,wants the charges against " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "me droped:press 1,If you're a prick:press 2" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast ",If you want to hear The Mexican Hat Dance:press 3." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'd like to thank Guy for doing a fantastic job in my " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "absence.Tonights show has been sponsored by Powerthirst" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast ",the energy drink for me.MENERGY!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Please see the wiki to enhance your experience " on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle.Yes!Hellooo Malton!It's ME,Holmgard!why have I been away?I wont say,but I will say this:sexual harassment in the workplace is no joke.If you,the fucking epic listener,wants the charges against me droped:press 1,If you're a prick:press 2,If you want to hear The Mexican Hat Dance:press 3.I'd like to thank Guy for doing a fantastic job in my absence.Tonights show has been sponsored by Powerthirst,the energy drink for me.MENERGY!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs .Please see the wiki to enhance your experience.
September 18th,2010
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBIID49cMI0" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Hello good people of Malton.Isn't it just a lovely day?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "No.No it isn't.The radio room here is fucking freezing." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "It's so cold there's condensation on the outside" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "of the window!Enough about that." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "As you all know,Halo Reach was released a few days ago" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and I think it has lived up to the hipe." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Mind you,a few disappointments." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "All-in-all,Reach has received " on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "ZRM's seal of approval and a rating of 9/10." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Go on and buy the game.NOW!NOW!MOVE IT!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Tonights show has been sponsored by Bungie." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "All hail Bungie in their quest for global...." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "what?Who wrote this?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Anyway,I leave you with some music:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd_g8uF6Tfo" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Please see the wiki to enhance your experience." on 27.34 MHz.
Jingle .Hello good people of Malton.Isn't it just a lovely day?No.No it isn't.The radio room here is fucking freezing.
It's so cold there's condensation on the outside of the window!Enough about that.As you all know,Halo Reach was released a few days ago and I think it has lived up to the hipe.Mind you,a few disappointments.All-in-all,Reach has received ZRM's seal of approval and a rating of 9/10.Go on and buy the game.NOW!NOW!MOVE IT!
Tonights show has been sponsored by Bungie.All hail Bungie in their quest for global....what?Who wrote this?Anyway,I leave you with some music:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd_g8uF6Tfo .Please see the wiki to enhance your experience.
September 19th,2010
- Asoldier broadcast "Ladies, gentlemen, this is Asoldier from the Buckrell arms." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "If you can find a supermarket, I will kiss your damn feet." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "I mean, seriously, why do zombies get to do all the eating?" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "I want to make a sandwich, maybe a potato." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Think about it. We have tons of malls around..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "But no food courts? I want some pizza!" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Furthermore, why the hell..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Do we have so many Museums? We have like, 100!" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "100 freaking museums. If this place isn't the world's center" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "of culture and sculptures and stuff..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "I mean, we have like, 9 malls. And 9 FORTS." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Was this city literally build just for a zombie attack..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "But with NO FOOD ANYWHERE?! I am surviving on booze!" from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "Anyway, I'm done with my little rant..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
- Asoldier broadcast "But, man, I could go for some Subway..." from here, on 27.34 MHz.
Ladies, gentlemen, this is Asoldier from the Buckrell arms.If you can find a supermarket, I will kiss your damn feet.I mean, seriously, why do zombies get to do all the eating?I want to make a sandwich, maybe a potato.Think about it. We have tons of malls around...But no food courts? I want some pizza!Furthermore, why the hell...Do we have so many Museums? We have like, 100!100 freaking museums. If this place isn't the world's center of culture and sculptures and stuff...I mean, we have like, 9 malls. And 9 FORTS.Was this city literally build just for a zombie attack...But with NO FOOD ANYWHERE?! I am surviving on booze!Anyway, I'm done with my little rant...But, man, I could go for some Subway...
September 20th,2010
- You broadcast "Ladies and Gentelmen, Guy here with some Great news!" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Apparently, we get to interview a legend in survival" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Just like us, he has survived agains zombies and also aliens" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "And we have him with us today, we get to interview:" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Gordon Freeman! Yes you heard it right people." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "We will now get Gordon on the line, just a sec." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "So Gordon. I'm sure everyone would like to know how you" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "do such a good job surviving everything that comes at you." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Is it because of your special suit, or some other secret ?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "... ... ... ... ..." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Oh, well, if you don't want to answer that, we have other" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Questions we want to ask you. Let's see." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Oh yes, when will we next hear about your fantastic quest?" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Oh... Odd. The link is still on but no answer." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Hang on everyone, I'll call the manager on the other side." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "I'm back everyone, but with some bad news. As it turns out" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "Gordon Freeman is apparently Mute. So he won't be able to" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "answer our questions after all. What a shame." on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "and while at the bad news, you may have noticed we played no" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "jingle as we started the show today. That is because our" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "equipment got damaged, so you won't get any music today" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "either. I am terribly sorry about that. We are getting our" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "stuff fixed as we speak though, so it should be working" on 27.34 MHz.
- You broadcast "again tomorrow. Until next time Malton, Stay Safe." on 27.34 MHz.
Ladies and Gentelmen, Guy here with some Great news! Apparently, we get to interview a legend in survival. Just like us, he has survived agains zombies and also aliens, and we have him with us today, we get to interview: Gordon Freeman! Yes you heard it right people. We will now get Gordon on the line, just a sec. So Gordon. I'm sure everyone would like to know how you do such a good job surviving everything that comes at you. Is it because of your special suit, or some other secret? ... ... ... ... ...
Oh, well, if you don't want to answer that, we have other Questions we want to ask you. Let's see. Oh yes, when will we next hear about your fantastic quest? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Oh... Odd. The link is still on but no answer. Hang on everyone, I'll call the manager on the other side. I'm back everyone, but with some bad news. As it turns out, Gordon Freeman is apparently Mute. So he won't be able to answer our questions after all. What a shame. And while at the bad news, you may have noticed we played no jingle as we started the show today. That is because our equipment got damaged, so you won't get any music today either. I am terribly sorry about that. We are getting our stuff fixed as we speak though, so it should be working again tomorrow. Until next time Malton, Stay Safe.
Adventures of Herbert Daring Dashwood