RRF/Malton Herald & Sun/Text/Prop7

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Today a young mother in her holding cell asked me how Malton come under zombie control. She even went as far to suggest that our glorious rise to ultimate power was built on pointless genocide and that the zombie takeover went against everything that is good about humanity.

Nothing could be farther from the truth Malton.

The zombies are in power because humanity has failed Malton. The zombies are here because humanity has destroyed everything that was once beautiful about this city.

And we have come to fix that Malton. Here, in Ridleybank, you can already see the beginnings of a beautiful utopia.

We have reduced survivor overcrowding. We have brought peace back to our fair city. With the hundreds of mass graves located around the city, we now have ample biomass to fuel our power stations, and build our dreams.

All of this we have done for you, not as means to consolidate power into the hands of our perfect, ruthless zombie-leaders, but because deep down inside, we care about the city and we care about you.

Together we can achieve greatness, for humans and zombies alike.

Together, we can kill every human who dares to oppose our benevolent, perfect rule.

-Speaker for the Undead