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Revision as of 01:27, 30 August 2011 by TibbarRm (talk | contribs)
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Member and diplomat of the Anti-Zombie Squad

My Character

My Profile

Before the outbreak: I lived in the small cave of Caerbannog. I lived there quite happily until some knights decided to invade my property. After a short battle, I left to wander England. Somehow I ended up in Malton, and then the zombies arrived.

Group: Anti-Zombie Squad
Also see here
Position: Diplomat
In-game job: Reviver/Medic

Weapon of Choice: Golf Club

Likes: carrots, killing knights, killing zombies
Dislikes: Elmer Fudd, the Holy Hand Grenade, King Arthur

Random stuff

Other games I play: eRepublik, Minecraft, Battle Row

My Story

Anti-zombie Squad
This user or group supports the Anti-zombie squad

Rhodes2.JPG A Colossus Of Class
This user or group is part of the New Malton Colossus.
Bringing Glorious Battle to you since 2006.

Pie.jpg WE WANT PIE!
This user wants pie, if not, you may be in the verge of death...

Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.

RAF Private.jpg Private
This user is a private in the military and is probably off pumping lead into a zombie.

Mrh?cow.gif Mrh?
This user is a Mrh Cow at least some of the time.

Backpacker.JPG Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.

Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.