TOHA Heavy Industries

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TOHA Heavy Industries
Abbreviation: TOHA
Group Numbers: 1
Leadership: Nanashi - Head Agent
Goals: Protection of all humans and the eradication of the zombie threat.
Recruitment Policy: All survivors; any level of experience.
Contact: Head Agent

TOHA Heavy Industries was officially started on December Twenty Fourth, 2011. Lead by Head Agent Fukashi Nanashi, they are dedicated to the protection and well-being of all Humans, with preferential treatment towards lawful survivors. Player Killers and Zombies will be exterminated with extreme prejudice.


TOHA Heavy Industries is a group dedicated to the protection of all survivors from the zombie threat. Despite this being the core tenant, it extends to the protection of innocent survivors from all threats, be it PKers or Zombies.


Joining TOHA Heavy Industries is as easy as adding your name to the following list as an agent and notifieing the Head Agent.

Fukashi Nanashi - Head Agent