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Name: Merondi

Affiliation: Organization XIII

Hair: Black

Eyes: Steely Blue

Age: Unknown, but remembers being present at the Crusades

Weapons: Throwing Knives, Hank's Dragon Sword, CAW, CZ Pistol, Auger-FS...

Assassinations (Within Malton): 39


Merondi is an old assassin, who has been fighting in shadows for her whole existence. Her first kill was a Templar Knight in the crusades, and she has went on to explore the dungeons of Castlevania, the forests of Russia and battlefields throughout the world. She assisted in the Human Resistance against the Chimera Invasion in the 1940s, and later provided intel for Operation Snake Eater in 1964. She has even entered Dante's Inferno. Her experience in Raccoon City has well-equipped her for dealing with zombie hordes.

She was pursuing a target in Malton when the sudden zombie outbreak and government quarantine shut the city's walls. Ever-cheerful, she accepted the present circumstances and joined Organization XIII. The idea of being a Nobody appealed to her and keeping balance has always been her mission, so she finds it easy to carry out detached balancing of the city's undead and living populations. Despite her impartial carrying out of missions, she finds more sympathy for fellow rogues and wild zombies, than the tiresome groups which insist on keeping order in a city already gone to Hell.

Her main haunt is Gatcombeton and Darvall Heights, where the Organization has its base of operations, but being a wanderer at heart, she often roams, so no one can say where she is now. She has learned being unpredictable is the way to survive.

Although a white cloak has been her favorite uniform for centuries, she has realized nobody wears that nowadays, and it draws unnecessary attention. She has adopted a variety of contemporary disguises, though always with a preference for black or white. Perhaps due to Hank, she loves wearing purple shades.

Her favorite weapon are knives, of which she never carries less than twenty. But she has made do with scythes, and found the fireaxes common around Malton arequite a useful tool. For honored foes, she draws the Dragon Sword, a katana she is currently keeping for her best friend. She has not let herself fall behind modern weapons. She is an expert markswoman, and carries several pistols, both of human design and those made with Chimera techology, and a powerful CAW. In emergencies, she has used soda vending machines, severed heads, and even a traffic "STOP" sign to great effect in combat.

Her real weapon would be her simple speed and mastery of pyschology that lets her attack foes and disappear in a crowd before anyone is even aware she has been there.

Her best friend was Hank J Wimbleton, who disappeared during the zombie siege of Malton. She has no doubts he survived and is somewhere out there, busy fighting killer clowns and zombies.

Despite centuries of killing, she has not lost a sense of humor, or of the times, and loves combining them into clever movie or video game-based puns upon the deaths of her targets. It's her little service to the dead.

Due to a pact with the Higher Powers, she revives whenever killed, each reincarnation more powerful than the last.

When heavily injured, she enters an undead berserker stage, and in this stage, even Headshots only slow her down.

Though hunted by a variety of posses and the Auditor, she has not failed to give more than she got, and is thoroughly enjoying the struggle that is life in Malton. Despite the grim and difficult missions she undertakes, she is always smiling under the hood.

Her favorite words are "retribution, retaliation and... MADNESS!"

Though a very reasonable person and quite non-violent to people she respects, Merondi has a tinge of madness and is best left not crossed. Patience born from centuries of assassination make her an expert tracker who never fails to find her target, whether it takes months or years.

Why would you even want to shoot at someone who can dodge bullets?

Memorable Kills

While Merondi's full list of assassinations can be found at Organization XIII's Trophy Lounge, this is a list of some of her kills.

First Victim within Malton:

  1. Morgana Le Faye

Annoying Revive Point Shooter:

  1. Sgt Zick

Intruder who Interfered with our HQ's No Cade Policy:

  1. Ben Elcomb

A Very Delicious Pie:

  1. TurtlePie

DHPD Officer 1:

  1. jits dhaliwal

Comment [1]

DHPD Officer 2:

  1. Ahmad Bradshaw

Boy Scout (aka DHPD Officer 3):

  1. Londonbrig0



While Merondi usually dislikes pointless violence on buildings, the rage of being undead (usually due to an annoying backstabber) sometimes causes her to ruin the nearest target.

3 buildings, including Eden Library

Org XIII logo.png Organization XIII
This Nobody is balancing Malton.

Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user or group supports the Honor Among Thieves Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when only innocents suffer.


Skull1 small.gif Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.