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A Message of Hope...

Look around you, survivors. How many of you have children?

Do any of them really enjoy spending all day trapped inside a barricaded, death-trap? How many of them will become a productive member of our great, zombie society?

The answer is all of them Malton.

But only if we work together. We must put aside our differences -- Zombie and Human -- and focus on the future. And your children are our future.

Without healthy, human children, we will starve.

Without healthy, human children, we will be forced to hunt the rest of you, rather than relying on the selective, scheduled harvesting of your children. Imagine, it Malton. Your child, having the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fulfill the great human dream by becoming fodder for our growing armies. It is a role that any parent would be proud to have their child take part in.

Survivors, if we work together, we can build a city that our children will be proud to call home.

Malton will be great once again.

-Speaker for the Undead
