Talk:Jensentown Defenders
This page last officially updated by group on 26/08/2017
To all those in the Jensentown area
Greetings all survivors, I am currently operating in the area close to the Jensentown Hospital (St Humphrey's) The co-ordinates of the hospital are: [18, 9]
I am requesting that any zombie hunters, military persons, Necro-tech personel or other armed civillians, please: Head to this destination and aide in the re-claiming of Jensentown. I am only one man, and alone may well be found and destroyed by the Horde, but together we can re-take this suburb!
The first location we need to capture is the hospital, once this is taken we must focus on the surrounding office buildings and the Necro-tech 'Shears' building. Then we need men and women to help capture the Police dept. and finally clear Jensen town of the horde!
Thankyou, and good luck. Logan. (14 sept 2007: 17:30 GMT)
Recruitment Requests
Please leave your name and current location below with a time/date, following the structure below. We'll make every effort to contact you ASAP.
Name -
Location -
Time/Date -
Revive Requests
If you have succumbed to infection and have become one of the walking dead, fear not. The Jensentown Defenders will aid you where possible. Using the latest NecroTech technology we have the resources (albeit limited) to revive people from a fate worse than death. At present we do have an active revive point at the cemetery at [15,8] which is checked semi-regularly, so if you need a revive just head there and wait for help to arrive.
Join the revolution
Corodinate your efforts and gain support around malton fellow survivors, join viva la revolution and bring about a new age.--Darkmagic 02:56, 29 March 2007 (BST)
need help
[If you need help, post here and we'll do our best to help you out ASAP- Logan]