Silent Storm

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Survivor Group

Silent Storm
Abbreviation: SS
Group Numbers: We're not telling
Leadership: Killkiller, Vin Havelock
Goals: Complete radio silence
Recruitment Policy: You must hate spam and spamming radios
Contact: Via talk page


The group is currently on hiatus, meaning Silent Storm won't be bringing the silence for a while. It's not certain how long the break is going to last, but we'll let you know when something happens.

Silent Storm? I've never heard of them!

Silent Storm is a group of advanced Radiokillers, moving from one mall to another and smashing radios.

Right now, as you can see, group is on hiatus, due to the lack of members, but hopefully, we'll be back.

Group's history

We've started our activity in Bale Mall, but guys from Bale said that they liked to hear spam and they don't need our help. Oh, well, they didn't say it exactly, but they seemed to think so. So we've just said goodbye to them and left that mall.

We've moved to Pole Mall, but we were forced to leave. This time it wasn't spam defenders who made us move, that was the zombie horde.

We moved to Marven and Tompson Malls. After few weeks of silence and making some new 'friends', the zombies attacked the area. We were asked to cease our activities and we agreed. Unfortunatly, we never get back to shape after this.

So you want to join us?

Group is currently inactive, but if you want to be a member of Silent Storm, You must:

  1. Hate Radios!
  2. Hate the Spam produced by Radios!
  3. Contact us via our talk page or via mobile phone

And thats about it

Oh! I almost forgot:


If you are on this list: We hate you! Every member who reads this will kill you if they find you!

  1. Flick D Bean
  2. ss'
  3. daikon'
  4. Leonidas07
  5. Thes Bean
  6. Havoc1310
  7. Trillian Price
  8. Invincible Iron Man
  9. Billy Bob Smeckley
  10. Dick Steele
  11. SoylentSub
  12. SunBlade
  13. simon kincaid
  14. cocoliso
  15. poopooheaded
  16. RobbsDad
  17. Flatliner
  18. private paco - hey guys, i added my name to the list to give you sad sad souls abit of a challagne.