Talk:White Cell Team 06

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Revision as of 05:20, 27 September 2008 by WanYao (talk | contribs) (→‎O RLY?)
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Hi, I noticed your grouplink in the suburb of Roachtown was broken (it did not link to this page) so I fixed it for you. The problem was that the "0" was missing in the wiki coding. Clicking on the link now will redirect you to this article as it should. On a side note, this group seems new, so well... welcome to Malton! --MisterGame 15:59, 16 September 2008 (BST)

Thnk you mister Game you help was very truly appreciated.

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Hey there WCT06. It's nice to see another survivor group in the area. I'm with CAPD. We've been in town for a good few years now and along with our friends the Octos we enjoy doing everything we can to keep Foulkes Village friendly to vets and new players alike. On behalf of our group and the collection of pro-survivors we work with let me extend a chocolate donut with sprinkles. =) We look forward to working with your group and helping however we can. Don't hesitate to contact us for anything at all! --Giles Sednik 17:36, 20 September 2008 (BST)


For a group which isn't even on the stats page, you sure have a "presence" in a lot of suburbs. Can I recommend that you pick a few (say 2 or 3 at the outside) suburbs where you've concentrated your activities, and remove yourselves from the others? Groups with much larger membership than yours are often listed in only one or two suburbs. Sure, they may be seen elswhere, but they are only listed where they have a significant presence. I don't see why your group should be any different. Listing yourself in pretty much all of North-central Malton is a little, uh, excessive?... Thanks for your consideration. --WanYao 01:12, 21 September 2008 (BST)

thank you to all those groups that have left positive comments in my inbox. truly appreciate the input and we look forward to working with you until malton is free of the zombie menace; As for the comment about this group presence. our group is not designed nor does it operate in the same manner as all the other groups. all those whom are members of our organization are volunteers who come and go as they please. there are no forums to track and once your a member youre always a member, we dont care about stats pages, the only thing that matters to me is that you ll see a group member there when your in a time of need and to know you have support everywhere. all that we ask is that they add us to their contact list and mark us with the color blue and tune in on our radio frequency. since we maintain a very loose organization they are literally everywhere in malton so there for i doubt there is a suburb there where there isnt a WCT-6 operative active. and as seen as from another perspective, who cares about stats , its just a game, dont take it to seriously.oreo2236

fine, i'm happy you see yourselves as "unique". but none of this changes the fact that you don't belong on bazillions of different burbs' group lists. in fact, your words above confirm that you don't. groups that are mobile and have no home base have existed before, and will exist again. and they do not list themselves in bazillions of different sururbs (prime example: Red Rum) -- and when they do, people complain and ask them to desist. see, that's how it's done. now, are you willing to play nice and cooperative, like? or are you going to keep telling us how you're special and thus don't have to play by the accepted norms and rules everyone else plays by? --WanYao 20:41, 21 September 2008 (BST)

Fine whatever Wan Yao. i dont agree with you whatsoever and truly question as to why you would be concerned about our groups activities. but i like i stated in my previous statements it is just a game. i will appease you regardless. i will remove the majority of the listing as my schedule permits. more to follow oreo2236

This isnt my business, Wan Yao, but you could reach more results by using more tact. You first post at the top is, for example, a bit on the agressive and arrogant tone. You are very clear in your post but your tone is a bit unfriendly, and naturally Oreo feels he is attacked and therefore unwillingly to comply with you. Especially since Oreo is clearly a newbie (no offense). A more "Welcome to our wiki" approach would have worked better.--MisterGame 14:33, 23 September 2008 (BST)
Well, I'm sorry. But the sheer number of suburbs this group is listed on is absurd. THIRTY-SIX suburbs link to this page... And I don't know if there are still broken links out there, on top of that. I requested that they be removed... no action has been taken... I suppose we need an Arbitration case? --WanYao 06:20, 27 September 2008 (BST)

Shades of Malton

Just here to offer an alliance. Im not representing the group but i would like you to speak with our leader over our forums. We are a new group just looking for allies in suburbs surround our area of operations. We currently operate out of Pitneybank and Crowbank. Here's a forum link:

Thank you for your time. Black Ops/Recon Leader --PFC 08:43, 22 September 2008 (BST)

i will be happy to comply. we however dont usually conduct any bussiness over forums however we'll give it a stab. i will contact your group's leader and maybey we can combine our efforts and be more productive to the cause.oreo2236