User:Linkthewindow/Hear gunshots

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Simply put, survivors (not zombies, for balance reasons. It would be like survivors groaning at themselves,) can hear gun blasts from nearby blocks. The actual chance of hearing the blast is based on some probabilities:

  • Same block-100% chance
  • One block away-75% chance
  • Two blocks away-50% chance Must have been at least ten shots before message can trigger
  • Three blocks away-25% chance Must have been at least twenty shots before message can trigger

No blasts can be heard if they are more then three blocks away. Note that the probabilities apply to everyone in the block. Simply put, all of them hear it, or they don't.

The exact type of weapon can't be determined, and nether can the user shooting the weapon (even if you are in the same block.)

To prevent screen spam, the shots "add up" over time. For example, one shot would produce one message, ten another one, twenty another one(and so on.) This means after ten gunshots, you would have only received two messages. To prevent useless messages (Who cares that a single shot was shot in a factory two blocks away,) for two and three block messages, there must have been a certain number of gunshots.

Here is some suggested flavor text. Of course, it is very malleable.

You hear a gunshot from close by

You hear multiple gunshots from close by (5+)
You hear rapid gunshots from close by (10+)
You hear rapid gunshots from close by again (20+, 30+, 40+)

You hear a gunshot from the North (the X building)

You hear soft gunfire from the North East

You hear loud gunfire from the North East

Note that all gunshot messages expire after a day-that is, if you idle for a week, you won't be told that there was rapid gunfire after the tenth shot.
