User:Mall Tour 2009/Rules

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< User:Mall Tour 2009
Revision as of 04:12, 8 January 2009 by Johnny Bass (talk | contribs) (truncated to remove redundancy)
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This is a user page. Do not edit it unless granted permission by the owner


We're all about fun here on the Mall Tour, but certain rules are needed in order to maintain fair play. All participants, whether zombie, death cultist or PKer are expected to abide by them whilst representing the Tour. Breaking these rules could result in that player being publicly asked to leave the Tour and their actions being revealed to the community.


  • One alt (character) per player interacting with the Mall Tour at any time. No exceptions.
  • Any other characters you have must maintain a distance of one full suburb between themselves and your tourist. Having characters in neighbouring suburbs, even with a 10 block gap, is unacceptable. One full empty suburb at all times. No exceptions.
  • You may have more than one character participate over the Tour (on either side, either for or against us) but a reasonable amount of time must be left between the the characters participating. 24 hours is the minimum time you should leave. Longer is better.
    • For example, a player has been playing a zombie but wants to play his survivor character against the Mall Tour. This is fine but he must allow at least 24 hours from removing his zombie from Mall Tour activities before bringing his survivor into the theatre to participate against the Mall Tour.


  • We do not care about the semantics between designed bots, programs, code, add-ons or 'features', use of something that performs a game action automatically for you benefit are cheating as far as the Mall Tour are concerned.
  • ?rise-bots, de/re-barricading-bots, udbrain and Opera's automatic refresh feature are all examples of technology use forbidden by the Mall Tour.
  • iwitness, udtool, udwidget are all examples of technology allowed by the Mall Tour.
    • Put simply, if a program performs anything that automatically spends AP for you or stores information automatically, don't use it.
  • If in doubt of the legality of something, do not use it and inquire about it at the forum before using it.


  • If the information is available to your Tourist in the game, on the wiki or in a public forum, it is acceptable to utilise and disseminate this information.
  • If the information is in a private forum, or an otherwise restricted area (for example a group's IRC channel), it is unacceptable to utilise or disseminate this information.
  • If you have any doubts, ask first, before spreading or using the information.
  • 'Zombie spying', passing on information gained by going into buildings after gaining a revive is entirely legal.


  • The Mall Tour follows the legacy of classy events and classy players.
  • Speeches or radio broadcasts that can be classed as 'text rape' are forbidden.
  • Mall Tourists should remember that this event is supposed to be fun. Acting to harm another player's enjoyment (regardless of their group affiliation, whether they are working for or against the Mall Tour) is simply not classy.