Shadows of Hell
Shadows of Hell | |
Abbreviation: | SoH |
Group Numbers: | Unknown |
Leadership: | Hells Fargo |
Goals: | To Gather the Souls of the Living (Even if the dead stand in our way) |
Recruitment Policy: | You must offer the ultimate sacrifice to become one. Your life. Your Soul. |
Contact: | OR |
"Shadows of Hell...for when there is no more room in Hell, we shall climb from the depths to collect the souls ourselves."
From the bowels of Hell, these demons come forth to collect the souls of those who cannot fit within' the confines of the crowded deep. They take the shape of man, woman or child and their only purpose is to collect this ultimate ransom. These beasts cannot be stopped but can be slowed. Mortal weapons are the best means but only for the temporary amount of time will they be subdued. After feeding on the souls of the living comes their only flaw and best time to do your damage. For it is then that they need sleep. While some members will try to seek refuge for this rest. Others have been known to gladly be "put down" by a human to obtain a deeper sleep. Then there are the ones who have actually thrown themselves out windows. You see, sleep is the only way they can channel the souls they have stolen to their master. While it is an advantage for the people of Malton, it is a necessity for the Shadows of Hell.
The Shadows of Hell accept anyone who willing offers up their life & soul. To become one you must be killed by one. Anyone who has had their soul already taken may offer up their services as well. Since their soul was already claimed they will not have to die by a shadow again.
Rules of Shadow
There aren't really any rules within' the confines of the group. We don't care what you do as long as you are collecting souls for the master. Pick your target and take it out. Prey on the weak & don't joykill anyone too many times. That only leads to a waste of our resources. The group as a whole does not seek to make friends either, we really don't care about this "honor among theives". If we are requested to attend a large scale massacre we may, but don't expect us to pick our targets wisely. We aren't about making friends or making enemies, we aren't about seeking revenge. We are just about murdering each and every person, one at a time and getting what we are really here for from them.
Currently unknown. They originated in the surburb of Penny Heights, though this city is not where they would call home. For the Shadows only have one place they call home and it is not in Malton...nor on Earth. They will be anywhere & everywhere. As said one is safe. Living or dead.
December 21st, 2008:We have surpassed 350 souls claimed and will soon be at 400. The Shadows are still continually looking for recruits/allies & have updated their forum as well.
September 11th, 2008:We are still here and looking for others to induct into the group...and more souls too of course.
April 21, 2008:The Shadows have reached three hundred souls. We're not stopping either.
August 16th, 2007:The Shadows have reached two hundred souls. The group is also reforming to hopefully be a even more of a closely knit, dysfunctional & dark family.
January 31st, 2007:The Shadows spread across Malton in search of more souls and more members. Oh, it will be a bloody Valentine.
January 22nd, 2007:The Shadows of Hell eclipse the century mark. 100 Souls Claimed.
January 8th, 2007:Still reaping souls in the suburb of Penny Heights, Shadows of Hell have amassed a known total of seventy-five. They aren't about to stop either. A forum is being created as this is typed in hopes of having more shadows join in with them.
December 9th, 2006: There was a slaughter today. The souls of three individuals were taken by the hand of the "Dark Shadow". There are only more to be had as he and his fellow shadows are let loose upon Malton.--Hells Fargo 11:34 (UWT)
December 2nd, 2006: They Have Awoke. Sent forth into the city with an ever present hunger. Souls aren't sold anymore...they are stolen. Where they are exactly in the city is still unknown at this time. --Hells Fargo 11:34 (UWT)
The Five Signs (& meanings)
A Sacrafice has been made at this location. A new Shadow was created.
Graffiti: "Somebody has spraypainted the shadowy image of a goat head onto a wall."
The Demon
There are at least few Shadows amongst you.
Graffiti: "Somebody has spraypainted the shadowy image of a demon onto a wall."
The Hell Hound
If seen, your suburb has been scouted. Beware.
Graffiti: "Somebody has spraypainted the shadowy image of a large hound onto a wall."
The Spider
While the Demon signifies a few shadows. The spider signifies most of the group.
Graffiti: "Somebody has spraypainted the shadowy image of a evil looking spider onto a wall."
The Slaughter
A soul or souls have been stolen at the very spot you stand. Are you next?
Graffiti: "Somebody has spraypainted the shadowy image of a dead pig onto a wall."
Current Ranking System
(Rank is from Highest to Lowest. Number prior to title is how many can hold this rank. An infinite number can hold the lowest of the ranks. Though member do have these specific titles all are known as "Shadows" to the people of Malton. The top eight members form the legs of the spider itself...or the master of the underworld.)
- 1- The Dark Shadow (2nd in rank only to the one which he & the rest serve)
- 1- The Shadow Creeper (the red right hand of The Dark Shadow)
- 1- The Shadow Giver (a members who specializes in "awakening" members in need)
- 5- The Five (the five consists of the oldest most trusted soul reavers)
- __- Sleepwalkers (Those just shadows...servants of the shadows. Most will work to hopefully one day become a member of the Five)
Souls Claimed since 12/09/06 (only the ones we have profile links for)
- Joey Joe Joe Shabido
- Foogulu
- Sweet Sue
- The Rats
- Unf0rgiven
- Harrikins
- Illustratr
- ColonelBooterCooter
- Loggy
- mynamewasloki
- Groooaaaaannnnn
- thehooded1
- Sam the Monkey
- Victor De'Loss
- Hx
- LorglathZ
- ninja time
- momento2
- Louper
- John geukes 2
- The Dancing Banana
- Buttcheeks McGee
- Dr Fermento
- canadianburk
- Ernest Xavier
- Kurbstompa
- Costrich
- smalls5791
- Cpt Wells
- monktharo
- martin connors
- zottewim
- Angelfire
- bunnyears
- Matthais Bronstein
- LibbyGimmy
- Cicikov
- Bunty1
- Renegade11926
- Blood4life
- Darokin
- moomoohaveacow
- kintel
- cceeehillorstttvv
- Cantaloupe
- ProRaiL Jr
- Calv1n
- James Turton
- Ernest Xavier
- Spartacus5
- CSativa
- Fynn
- Falco Lombardi X
- Mejai
- Jeremy Stephens
- Larry Johnson 27
- kinkyshe
- Born Evil
- a tentacle monster
- RunnerT
- Samuel L" Jackson
- MadMoneyMike
- ColShep
- John Table
- Speero
- Will Freeman
- Keetan
- Dino Cassat
- Franken25
- jkslol
- Misterfixit
- Uzzel
- The One True Sid
- zombiehorde13
- WhiteZombie17
- ColinSh
- toftait
- Azderdi
- Nomis789
- rocket launcher
- Djdylz
- SilIyLilIyPilIy
- Ricki Rockett
- Lanner
- Very Tasty
- jhacksawvg
- Stilldead007
- misterhungry
- crossbow babe
- Thor Ellis
- Baked Beans
- John Fitzgerald
- goonsta
- Oneandonly
- LoatheTheUndead
- Murder83
- Pvt Dont wanna die
- Sarah Zombie
- Tom Clemens
- JohnnyRambo
- Cpt Caveman
- Thomas Joad
- Lieutenant Steeeve
- Magnum P I
- C'Zar
- Aaron Gosling
- Big Vic
- Blenderboy
- l2omain
- Mecha Streisand
- RomanTotale
- Smasher McGraw
- BrainCleaner
- Brett Scout
- Mr Biffo
- FFcookie
- sallykins
- Tom Manes
- Jock McTavish
- John Lately
- hermal4
- Madgebishop
- Quincey Scout
- Drakonio3
- lightningmiss
- Trignum
- Artemel
- mibz
- pedobear
- vlasan
- Sorhed
- Sir Deimos
- Doc Warren
- Bill from Kill Bill
- Thorbjorn
- fhqwgads
- Domino Valentine
- Sir Scott
- aphazia0
- Zakirov
- Crowbank Killer
- Belakor
- Gay FedCom President
- Bill Lugosi
- grubbs123
- Heartbeep
- Melkor The Immortal
- nobufusa2
- Sebine
- Dulun
- Id Entity
- The Dark Reaper
- Ayrieec Bloodspirit
- Docter Paul
- Kyja
- RiotGuard
- George W Bush XIII
- Hardy
- Jay Leno the Zombie
- Mathew Dust
- Samuel Hain
- William Johansen
- Sgt Forde
- rabbijon
- Earl Boris
- claudezachary
- Jaz Smith
- Jak Orion
- Jimmy The Snitch
- ObiFirefighter
- Death's Nephew
- In Flames Apocalypse
- Rick Dasher
- x3n0g3ai2s
- Slavenka Chinaski
- Hobbydiktatorn
- dawnofthedead1978
- Allison Reynolds
- Dawgman
- Kid gOblin
- SkullnBones
- Lynchmob Bob
- Morris O'Brian
- sjp1990
- Mister Stateless
- Shotgun Ed
- Allison Wolf
- Tyman
- Ethe
- ChuckWagon
- Bastetmeow
- Tehevildead
- Octoped
- Astro999
- Gelf
- Muffinmannen
- Huccalainen
- Nuttall
- Rhino1
- apa64
- Monopoly Man
- AlfonsoPez
- Vito Sestito
- P02 Samuel
- KeeganElliott
- Scout McScout
- Nurse Sakura
- SilentEnigma
- Grifton
- Capt Courageous
- Hart0142
- prof129
- darknezz8
- Dr Yule
- Dr rolf
- Joe3570
- ApacheKaos
- Scarrytom
- Zeta man
- Alf Landon
- James Nicholson
- Alex Slant
- Loeweasel
- da kid
- Keltzon Marthik
- Hank Ruin
- Nayban
- Monski
- Grace O'Toole
- bunnysXonXcrack
- HadesScorn
- Dick Thompson
- Vikendi
- Lightsword
- Balkie
- Lady Hawk
- Nathan Payne
- OrsenBean
- humanbutt6
- bluelightspecial
- Yilletta
- Nicholas Spector
- Josef Kerr
- rose sneed
- johan dreg
- Semage La Rock
- JackNight
- Pvt DaBank
- CrackBerry Sufferer
- Pizzaboy Sean
- mellonballer
- IlpalazzoNinja
- mumber43
- LP89X
- Diegel
- jhnyfive
- chanceism
- Streen
- Stephen Colbert77
- Budgie Smuggler
- Dr Raven Madison
- drewisalive
- TheUSA
- Drizzt8
- flagg
- dark bringer
- Rthe3rd
- Hoetrain
- DeJohn
- 2 of 538
- s u n n y
- Sarghi
- Gantar
- Sexy toothpick
- bas0ra
- Toadina
- Jarret Donke Boi
- Alfie Noakes
- Nurse McCreedy
- Michael Blackstone
- nihla
- Devilmaycry13
- Ray Winston
- ben78
- Ubikdom
- 1111judgep
- Vgk1
- Jack Cates
- Lars Jansen
- xxkrakenxx
- Huntress225
- aguacommander
- Kevin Tate
- 1337fox3
- Fire Fighter Cindy
- Felix Quartz
- Aleister Curton
- Strayla
- BobdaDoc
- Mad Frank
- John Lyle
- kauff
- Madjura
- SpeedGoat
- James O'Farrell
- Gregory Red
- Karejha Athero
- Moe Pridham
- Bison Dele
- teddy kord
- Crazyloop
- JPost717
- grizzlebored
- fingle
- fear45
- Mikael Gatt
- asianRISING
- Tickabod
- Pat O'mara
- Private Dentel
- FishBoyMan
- Nicholas Molina
- kody james hall
- Grummrop
- sniff my entrails
- a butt
- Psycho MBA
- Daggoo
- Mark the Maniac
- ShieldW0lf
- Stryker II
- Pvt Stanley
- Peter Haverhand
- Jackson Sayther
- The Asshulk
- Cu Roi
- Zhou Cang
- Broctree Othello
- Zombie Slayer EAL
- BobTheHand
- gooden
- Blue Spector
- Vincent Dragomir
- Tasty Snack
- ZaqWer
- Malibu Stacy
- CemeteryGhoul
- Yrael Octavian
- BarakObama
- Deadushka
- Harry Kewell
- Sir Tanto
- SleepyGiant
- Rob Sombra
- Giles Sednik
- NuttyCheese
- terrell owens
- Wendy Spitz
- Tom Papherd
- Ryker Blair
- Gnauga
- michaleson
Bolded names have had their soul claimed & been joy killed for pure sinful bliss.
The Shadows of Hell have absolutely no affiliation with the Shadows of Hope, operating under the same abbreviation. The Shadows of Hell are much more evil & ruthless, not to mention severely anti-survivor.