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The strains of Johnny Rivers' "Secret Agent Man" often tend to follow him, wherever he goes; at least, that's what he likes to imagine.

Flatliner seemed to be every inch the stereotypical "G-Man" - suited, booted, and armed with an extremely menacing revolver. Immaculately groomed for someone attempting to survive a zombie apocalypse, there was most certainly something unsettling about this individual; outside of the fact he never seemed to remove his sunglasses. Even at night.

On the flipside of the above, he lacked the typical man-in-black anonymity. Usually seen spouting colourful one-liners that were rarely heard outside of grindhouse zombie flicks, Flatliner was evidently determined to wisecrack, roundhouse kick, and shoot his way through the Malton Incident. For some reason or another, he also had a penchant for dramatic actions; such as diving through windows, or needlessly kicking doors down (much to the annoyance of some survivors).

Primary objective: Survive the "Malton Incident" and make it back to his employer with enough data regarding the happenings. Secondary objective: Aiding in the survivor reclamation of South Blythville by repairing and barricading buildings there.

Group status: Affiliated with nobody - however, looking to join a group. Hit me up on my talk page, should you be interested.

Disclaimer: Please, please, don't waste both my time and your own, giving me any kind of lecture about pro/anti PK ethics. Same principle applies to GK/RK. I honestly (outside of roleplaying, of course) don't give a damn. Occasionally, I'll have a fit of vigilante-ism and begin hunting wanted players or groups. This isn't me being self-righteous, or trying to "police" Malton. It's merely for the fun of the challenge it presents, nothing more. In RP terms, this could simply be explained as the furtherance of his own goals within Malton.

Other things

Trident.jpg Channel 4 News Team Affiliate
This user or group entered Glorious Battle beside the Channel 4 News Team. There were horses and a man on fire and this user or group killed a guy with a trident. Afterward, we could barely lift our arms because we killed so many zombies. I don't know if you heard us counting. We killed over 1,000.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.