The Butcher of Malton

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Revision as of 15:22, 25 November 2007 by The Butcher of Malton (talk | contribs) (→‎2007 9/fIFTeeN)
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tHe BUtCHeR Of MAltoN
Abbreviation: tBoM
Group Numbers: ?
Leadership: sAsssSaFfRaSS
Goals: ELiMeNAshUN oF FlESHy OnES
Recruitment Policy: YoU NO WhEn I have FOUND yOU


Knives.jpg i bEGAn aS a Boy WaNDerIng thrOUGh ThE worRLd tHiuSLY discoered ThAT I WAS Set Bfor More Tahan thIIs.I waS CapTurEd, MayBe YoU REbmEmER It???? I was suppoSED to BE ZAPPED!!!!! BUT FakKERS GoT in en I WAS FRE!

I'VE been HoME noW fer awhilE, EVEN SPEnt ITMTIME as a FAKER, that's HOw I KNOW! BuT IM BAk NOW. ReDDy TO PLAy anD cuT anKILL. Reddy To PLaY?????


hOWdy KIDS! YOUR OLD paL ThE BUTChER HERe ttelLLIng you Don'T FRET i'M BacK Now. The FAkERs THInk tHeY'Re tRULy InhuMAN MonSTER'S?!?!?!? TimME TO DNiMeR mEhT What FeAR IS :) TAlK yOU SooN

EaST bounDWOOD IS WheRE I LAy My Weary HED RITE WOn T'Nod uOY WorRy I'LL Be baCk SoONN....

NIne TweLF 200SeVEN

tiME AS fAKER conntiNUES, Not MLIkEING IT AT ALL I shAll ssHOW you PiCTURE of ReSTING gROUNDs nOw Scary.jpg

mAYbE SooN I caN CoM baK, mayEB nOOS. WiAt And see :D

2007 9/fIFTeeN

kIndNess TkaEs MaanY ForMs JUST toDAY I uNFAKEriZed. MuCH thank YouS are To BE hAD. TiIME as A FakER wAS not foR NaUGHT, I manAGED to ekat OnE witH me hE liKED potaTOES. I',m back NOw AT tHE ToYS StoRE, foR more ToOLS oF my traDE. I'm feeling much better now. Hope to see you all soon.

8teen SEPTEMBER! 2007!!!!

OH WHAT a niGHT! TWO IN a RoW>!!> tHiS IS wHY WeaRhousES arE SO loVED by THE gEEKs of ehT worlD. FiNAe Am I thank YOU foR asking :) MeRely RESTING my HED a FeW bLOWCKS OVER

GooD NITE all@! --The Butcher of Malton 01:43, 19 September 2007 (BST)

9/20/2007!!!! wARmer climbs BecKON I traveL south! TWO!!MORE havE FALleN upON mY path!!!! BuT ALASSS I NEEd mor toys! WheRE O WHERE T O GET MY NEW TOYS!

should I get on mars? play on the radio kids!!!!!--The Butcher of Malton 02:35, 21 September 2007 (BST)

November 25, 2007

After some rest and relaxation where I calmed my more.....interesting quirks, I'm happy to announce that my city-wide tour can recommence once more. As you can see I'm not plagued by the oddities of speech as I once was, to which I am truly grateful you simply cannot get your message across with such handicaps.

I've moved south meeting someone along the way. He didn't make it. --The Butcher of Malton 15:22, 25 November 2007 (UTC)