Penny Heights Radio

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Reported Transmissions

Frequencies Covered


PH Radio

12:16 PM 3/6/2009

  • 27.11 MHz: "spraypainters: learn to spell" (8 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "club has three z's inside lights are on" (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "Guess who's back in town? You guys miss me?" (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "I'll see you all in South Fryerbank, putting holes in PKers." (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)

1:16 PM 3/5/2009

  • 27.11 MHz: "Fule needed at Cracknell" (9 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "For a good time come to Lumber Mall. Non-stop siege action." (3 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "30 Zeds Outside in south lumber mall" (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "Thanks for the tip." (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "Lumber under siege...come on down and have some fun!" (1 hour and 34 minutes ago)

11:23 PM 3/2/2009

  • 27.11 MHz: "breakin @ Club Frossard one poor bastard caught unaware" (8 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "www.fallensword(dot)com/?ref=1614122" (4 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "1 zombie left in Josephine Hosp low on HP." (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
  • 27.11 MHz: "Please remove, repair, and cade." (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)

12:30 PM 4/14/2009

   * 27.11 MHz: "1 zed in odo, w/ 40 HP left; building needs to be repaired." (11 hours and 29 minutes ago)
   * 27.11 MHz: "Tomkyns breached 2 zs inside, every TRP in southwest ruined" (11 hours and 7 minutes ago)
   * 27.11 MHz: "Rothwell holding, scan posted, needs people." (exactly 11 hours ago)
   * 27.11 MHz: "Det: I'm @ shack now. Dr Ames from DSS out." (10 hours and 59 minutes ago)

11:20 AM 4/15/2009

   * 27.11 MHz: "2 zombies left in Craddy, 15 in queue @ Churchous" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
   * 27.11 MHz: "Lumber is powered but being overrun again. Man the 'cades!" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
   * 27.11 MHz: "Scan from Rot shows 25 in North Lumber, careful there" (1 hour and 52 minutes ago)

4/21/2009 Suburb must be trashed, no transmissions of note recently--Dr Mycroft Chris 23:40, 21 April 2009 (BST)

2:15 AM 5/2/2009

   * 27.11 MHz: "" (10 hours and 26 minutes ago)


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yeah i've got some reports saying that a few radio broadcasters (me included) have been killed. i didnt get the name of the pk'er seeing as i clicked too soon. but i'll try to get it for us. MoogleBomber Out

Yeah, what's up with that...killin' broadcasters just pisses us off!--Dr Mycroft Chris 07:50, 25 April 2008 (BST)


Lots of places do not have radios in Penny Heights, so this is a place you can get up to speed--Dr Mycroft Chris 04:38, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Is anyone actually using this resource?--Dr Mycroft Chris 04:38, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

NOTE We will no longer, as of today, cover DEM network Radio (26.26). For the past several months it seems to carry nothing but broadcasts by spammers & griefers--Dr Mycroft Chris 05:31, 14 April 2009 (BST)