Clapton Stadium
West Grayside [51,81] – [52,82]
Basic Info:
- A 2x2 square building. Home to Malton's various professional sporting teams.
Clapton Stadium
Clapton Stadium is a four block stadium located in trendy West Grayside. It was named after performer Eric Clapton, and has seen countless concerts and sporting events since it first opened.
The coordinates are: [51,81] [51,82] [52,81] [52,82].
Barricade Policy
All blocks of the building should be extremely heavily barricaded. St. Timothy's Church [51,83] is the official entry point to the Stadium.
Recent Events
News older than six months can be found here.
Feb 05, 2009 - The ULC has relocated to the Upper Left Corner of the Stadium. The party shall commence shortly. -S Aline 05:21, 6 February 2009 (UTC)