
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 16:16, 28 January 2010 by Yonnua Koponen (talk | contribs) (Great suburb group Massacre 2010)
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The old /Zom/ talk page is archived at Zom/historical

Welcome back Chaps!

Well, the page is unprotected and Ive cleaned up all the tenses so that the page no longer appears dark. We need a new image, as well as a section detailing our brief departure from UD. --Conbar 14:12, 4 June 2009 (BST)

  • Actually, I have already updated it with a "Were Back!" section. Still need a new image. --Conbar 14:18, 4 June 2009 (BST)

Our Core Demographic!

Oh my god! This is the coolest group ever. (Reminds me of that group "The Aristocrats" a few years ago, only 15 times bigger.) I represent the Malton Conservative Party: the local branch of Great Britain's largest political party, whose stereotypical MP and activist is very much like all you well heeled gentlemen. Might I propose an official alliance? Our numbers are small, and our Councillors are spread one per Malton "borough", but our members are all hardened veterans. We have two aims: to field a Councillor in every borough of Malton, and to outnumber the largest of the many socialist/communist survivor groups on the Game Stats. If you would be prepared to form a "political coalition" with us, I believe the /zom/-Conservative ticket could effectively claim to be the legitimate ruling party of this town. E.g. We'd each mention the other group on our page somewhere; and additionally create a joint page for the "/zom/-Conservative coalition" as the ruling party of Malton. I would also welcome any number of your members as Councillors: they just send me their details, and the ward of their choice, and I'll add them to the list - as it's a coalition, they wouldn't need to change their existing group affilitation. Please let me know what you think. Hopefully, together we can restore order and gentlemanly privilige to the streets of Malton. --Susan Barker 22:23, 10 June 2009 (BST)

Shearbank Homeowners Association

As a large, prominent and (returned to) active group, we invite you to contribute to the Shearbank Homeowners Association. Thank you for your time. --SamuRyjak 01:47, 26 June 2009 (BST)

Great suburb group Massacre 2010

Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.

--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:16, 28 January 2010 (UTC)