Bespoke Murderism
It's pantomime season. Always and forever.
Not much is know about the origins of Manbagz beyond the fact that he is a clown-masked stone cold killer with an impeccable taste in both bespoke tailored suits and Havana cigars. He is primary representative of the ʞomedians, a special black op.s unit for the group Aesthetic Judgment. Deeply sympathetic to the massacre of the faceless cause, ʞomedians are more pro-active and violent than your standard Descript, mercilessly hunting anyone who defames, insults or injures any of the nice clone-killing people drinking coffee and discussing philosophy in The Havill Motel, East Boundwood.
Manbagz epitomises the idea of ʞomedian: he is dangerously unhinged mentally, prone to entirely unprovoked random killing sprees and simultaneously deeply protective of his allies and those who have hired him for 'dirty work.'