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Revision as of 23:37, 3 April 2010 by Wyndfyre (talk | contribs)
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With less violence this time (no, your dangly bits won't be lodged up your nostrils for reading this stuff), I warn you not to read the following work-in-progress because it's ugly. IT WILL BURN YOUR EYES.

Hey, I warned you.

800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.

Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
This user really, really likes cheese.

About Me

How I found Urban Dead

It was either,

1) I was looking for something to do on the internet, since I was bored... something along the lines of an MMORPG. Then I saw Urban Dead in a list of inferior nobody-websites.


2) I came across the Graaaagh! viral (by Kevan of course) and saw Urban Dead advertised at the bottom.

Or maybe it was a combination of me looking for a website to look at, found Graaaagh, and THEN found Urban Dead...

Doesn't matter! When I decided to join, it took me almost 30 minutes to decide my name, class, etc. Mostly I just looked up the best class and looked at other peoples' names. I always prepare before playing something, what can I say. Possibly a day or so later, I created another character. Whether it was my zombie character first, or my dual nature one I can't say, but either way I eventually decided to stick with only one: Karen Vasser, my dual nature character. (My first zombie was called Wyndfyre, and is now collecting dust somewhere in one of Malton's corners.)


Karen Vasser

Character name
URL of character image if available
Joined: Date character was created
Character class: character class
Favorite equipment: favorite equipment
Character profile: number - URL prefix is provided Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive or Zombie
Character group: group
Character stats: List kills, revives, deaths, etc.
Journal: [URL for Character name

Phoebe Marx

Character name
URL of character image if available
Joined: Date character was created
Character class: character class
Favorite equipment: favorite equipment
Character profile: number - URL prefix is provided Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive or Zombie
Character group: group
Character stats: List kills, revives, deaths, etc.
Journal: [URL for Character name