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Revision as of 00:35, 10 November 2010 by CTRA (talk | contribs)
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TriangleCTRA 51.png CTRA member
This user is a member of the Civil Threat Reduction Agency, which serves the External government outside Malton.

Member of the External government's Civil Threat Response Agency. Part of an elite hazard team tasked with scouting Malton and retaking the area at any cost.

External Links

Status Reports

  • Day 67 (11/9/2010): Pegton: "St. Bruno's church has been secured. The building is very heavily barricaded."
    • "Fowles Plaza Police Department is secure. No shortage of armed survivors here. Almost all are civilians, with one mercenary soldier."
    • "Tilly Row Police Department heavily barricaded. No way to enter."
    • Edgecombe: "Junkyard outside Police Department very heavily barricaded. No way to enter."
    • "Pellatt Auto Repair has been very heavily barricaded. No easy way to enter, but they have a working generator."
    • "Bunt Place School heavily barricaded."
    • "Collinns Building strongly barricaded--GREAT place for a holdout."
    • "Vine Grove School strongly barricaded--GREAT place for a safe house."
    • "Lawley Walk Railway Station has been very heavily barricaded. Dartside Survivors recruiting here, or at least were."
    • "Southcott Plaza Fire Station has been heavily barricaded. No signs of life."
    • "Cape Avenue Police Department has been heavily barricaded. Lights are on inside."
    • "Maver Building has been overrun. A few Zeds here."
    • "Stadling Walk Police Department is abandoned. Not sure if I'm in Edgecombe or Pegton."
    • Crowbank: "Commins Bank has been lightly barricaded--several armed survivors inside with working generator."
    • "Clinch Way Police Department has been very heavily barricaded. No easy way to enter, but they have a working generator."
    • "Mydleham Building has been overrun. Three Zeds lurking around inside. Forced to beat a hasty retreat."
    • "Exon Alley Railway Station has been very heavily barricaded. No lights on inside."
    • "Burt Square Police Department has been very heavily barricaded. Smoke is coming out of the building."
    • "Pullinger Auto Repair has been overrun. The place is CRAWLING with Zeds."
    • "Dane Street Police Department has been overrun. One or two Zeds here."
    • "Morrell Bank has been overrun. Three Zeds here."
    • "Elsbury Arms has been heavily barricaded. No easy way to enter."