User:Fae Sidhe

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Revision as of 20:41, 26 May 2011 by Fae Sidhe (talk | contribs)
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March 2011 . April 2011
- Based on real events. Log is in descending order.
- No, you can't talk to Zach Echo.
He is fictional to keep me entertained.
- Love comments, hellos, etc. See talk page.
Feel free to say hello in-world. I only bite when I'm dead.. maybe. :)

MAY 2011

Fae Sidhe: 21:41, 26 May 2011 (BST) - I've found yet another friendly soul in this god forsaken hell hole. He runs an establishment here just far enough away from high populations of zed it's safer.. yet close enough to be of assistance and easily restock.
Plus, there's pints.. Haven't had a pint in ages.
Still no powered NT.. and I imagine it's looking a little worse for wear right now thanks to no actual holding presence.. but I've been studying repairs and am now contemplating, at some point in the near future, building a gennie for it once it can reasonably be held.
Fae Sidhe: 22:00, 25 May 2011 (BST) - The 'cades fell. I should really know better. It's just been a duck and run situation lately... Right now, I've held up at a NT.. which is probably the worst place ever to hold up, honest to truthful and forsaken god... but I don't have too much choice at the moment. I helped 'cade it up some more.. and I'm hoping it lasts long enough to clean myself up, maybe restock at the nearby hospital where more zeds are gathered yet less likely to eat me in an in-and-out hostile situation. This was what I was trained for, right?
One of the zeds got blood all over my mirror shades when he snatched, grabbed and broke them. They're ruined.. Maybe I should make another stop by the mall and see if it has been retaken?
Fae Sidhe: 21:50, 20 May 2011 (BST) - Been briefly discussing tactics with another survivor. We're pretty much in agreement that it's a 'cade and FAK situation to try and hold out against the growing numbers of zed outside. Either way, I'm packing heat as well as a red cross.
Right now, I'm slowly beginning to learn the art of barricading against zed intrusions. With any luck, I'll be able to actually contribute to the maintenance of the 'cade beyond putting a bullet in some zed's body parts and watching him not fall down most of the time.
Echo, Echo, Echo... The memory of your face on that huge screen in the probably blood soaked Necrotech back in Shackleville is probably one reason I continue trying to survive. The other is I hate being dead.
Fae Sidhe: 19:51, 19 May 2011 (BST) - Few zed here and there. I discovered a Necrotech facility, but it's not in an easy location to reach. By foot, yes, but by foot is not always the best option currently if you take into account the massacre of the last two weeks.
The building was ruined. No doubt about it. There was a zed there --- perhaps he wanted to be revivified. I'm not sure. He looked kinda suspect. I did manage to find a few syringes in the mess. For the first time in a while, I'm beginning to think maybe -- just maybe -- we might have a good chance to rebuild. Now the big question is how to keep a massacre from happening again?
Fae Sidhe: 14:49, 19 May 2011 (BST) - The atmosphere has gotten better. I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, the suburb is recovering. I discovered a pinata in a portion of the mall, but over all, the zed haven't been able to make much headway. Received a report early this morning that the mall was cleared too, pinata down. I am now attempting to locate the closest Necrotech facility.. I may not be able to reach Echo, but I can begin to assist other survivors.
Fae Sidhe: 16:39, 18 May 2011 (BST) - My head's cleared. I wonder how much dying a human body can take, but I don't plan to do this again. I've been watching a mall in the distance. Zeds everywhere, as always lately. Went through and looted it, got some amazing new threads... got a couple FAKs. I was lucky enough to find a cell phone now.. but no signal. Maybe later. It will make it easier to keep in touch with Echo. I never thought I'd find one so I never thought to exchange numbers...
We were hiding pretty well until a new survivor came.. door slammed, echoed through the building.. and.. is now stuck. This is going to scream survivor buffet. They've decided to barricade high to compensate.. which also says survivor buffet, but we have little choice after all that noise... I went ahead and cleaned up some of the blood. If we're gonna scream survivor buffet, might as well not leave them the condiment from previous meals... Need to move soon. I don't think this is such a good idea for long-term.. or even longer than necessary, especially after the Church idiocy of Wyke Hills.
Don't count me out yet, Echo.
Fae Sidhe: 22:07, 16 May 2011 (BST) - Woke up.. blood. My body is still shaking. I'm not sure how long I was out. Memory is a little hazy, but it's coming back in flashes. I managed to find a sizeable stash of FAKs.. but now I'm caught out in the open. The city is ruined... What'll I do now. Whoever plunged the needle to revivify me.. I dunno where you are now. Is there a survivor strong-hold?
.. All I see are bodies... and most of them probably want to devour me.


NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 20:48, 14 May 2011 (BST) 1 in 5.. What was two weeks in that study? Half of the remainder. Sometimes being a scientist and having to place facts and figures to everything can be a real kill joy.
After re-playing my logs, I decided I got way too personal; I shared personal information. I formed a friendship. If my supervisor Dr. Kuelling found out... Well, he will not find out. It is as simple as that. I cannot afford to be removed from this post. At least not until I know one way or another.
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 22:33, 13 May 2011 (BST) It is not looking good. Six days since she last popped up onto the radar... Seven days. Is it because she cannot find an operational Necrotech or did she succumb? Seven days. What was that ratio? 1 in 5...
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 15:15, 12 May 2011 (BST) It's a massacre across the quarantine zone. That's really all I can say. For all the technology we have, we are helpless against what is happening in that quarantine zone. No one is checking in. We lost contact with so many of our facilities...
We have lost contact, period. All we have is data stream from satellite.. Quarantine is a no fly zone so we do not have that.
With Sidhe -- no, with Subject 135713 -- I have to keep reminding myself that she is part of this experiment. Plain and simple. If she dies, it was Darwinism.. but I do not think Darwin factored in undead specimens.
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 17:25, 10 May 2011 (BST) - Most of the radio chatter has stopped in the eastern part of the quarantine area.. It seems to just be moving west. Some areas are presumed a complete lost and marked unknown. At this rate, will there be any survivors left in Malton to continue the fight before the government decides it is in the best interest to eradicate what many believe is a lab rat test ground?
If Sidhe does not check in soon, I will have to label her a complete loss.
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 00:11, 9 May 2011 (BST) - Subject 135713 is lost again. She has not checked in at a Necrotech facility. If she were smart, she would move northwest. Judging by her last two previous locations, she fled to the southern border of the quarantine.. there is little else left to move, but it seems the grounds are safer than going back.
Sidhe. Where are you? Why did you go back into Wyke Hills?


WYKE HILLS: 19:01, 6 May 2011 (BST) - I'm getting very tired of being soaked in my own blood. Once the shock wore off, I found out I was in worse straights than I thought when I had to be revivified... again -- infected. Everything was ruined on this side of Wyke Hills and on the other side of Buttonville.. to the north in Kempsterbank... West Grayside... Gulsonside..Can't catch a break.
Ducked in and out until I found a small nest of survivors. One, William Turpin, was nice enough to rid me of the infection, but supplies are so scarce right now with so much of the buildings completely ransacked.. ruined. I was lucky he could spare even that much of his supplies. Mine ran out in Gulsonside. Every other place from here north to Shackleville is ruined... And there's no Necrotech standing in the vicinity to touch base with Echo... and staying here much longer than necessary is suicide.. but where else is there to go?


NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 14:03, 6 May 2011 (BST) - Subject 135713 began to move about 22 minutes ago. At the rate of movement, we are estimating she is alive, but the signal is degrading rapidly.. also another sign of the revivification syrum bonding with the extraction tag molecules and nullifying them.
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 8:58, 6 May 2011 (BST) - She appeared on the map an hour ago, but she has not moved since.. and she is not covered. Is she dead.. is she undead?
NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 03:38, 5 May 2011 (BST) - Still nothing. There are specimens -- the living dead -- every where all over Shackleville and Tollyton. How many of them are sympathetic survivors? Not every survivor, once dead, wants to return to life..
Past studies have shown that there is a 1 in 10 chance that if the subject -- the living -- is killed and not returned to their living state within a few days, they do not return at all. The number drops to 1 in 5 after a week. The numbers are not looking good if Subject 35713 was killed in that horde...
Please, Sidhe. Don't make that scared smile the last memory I have of you.


WYKE HILLS: 18:32, 4 May 2011 (BST) - I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. I woke up in Swaffield plaza.. I had nothing to help the others. I had nothing to help myself. The revival never sits well with my stomach..
It's so cold... the blood is everywhere. Zeds are everywhere.. All the buildings are in ruin for miles on miles... There's bodies everywhere in Shackleville and Tollyton. I ran until I could find a place that was safer within a couple blocks.. It took forever. I'm so tired of running.


NECROTECH LOG: Zach Echo, Dr. - 03:51, 4 May 2011 (BST) - I have not heard from Subject 35713 in about 8 days. She said it was probably a false alarm that a horde was moving into the suburb; just like it had been a few weeks ago with the Tollyton scare.
"Don't worry so much," she said with a smile. I should have known better than to take that at face value. Satellite and some Necrowatch showed a large concentration of the living dead as survivors began to tag them, little glowing pinpricks the day after she said that.
At least she has not popped up in the NecroWatch system yet. That is the best condolences I can give myself at the moment. I gave the technician her name to keep watch and inform me if it pops up any where on the grid.


SHACKLEVILLE: 21:17, 2 May 2011 (BST) - Dried blood smears the middle of the page, an awkward, jagged "E" formed by a finger.

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