Talk:The Jack

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Revision as of 14:06, 4 May 2018 by Auralius (talk | contribs)
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Greetings, The Jack. Horde noticed your tags and activity in Havercroft after we knocked over Rolls Cinema and took NE Ackland, observing you crush the remainder of the mall. For the time being, we shall bolster your ranks. We have some business to see to in South Malton but would like to open a dialog if at the least to exchange information and possibly to co-ordinate activity.

Cheers! -Auralius (talk) 14:06, 4 May 2018 (UTC)

Greetings Horde,

You are welcome to join us for as long as you like. We only ask that you do not abuse the game as we do not, and have never needed to do so.

*Anyone else who has any questions or comments related to this topic are to be directed ask your query on our user discussion page: User: The Jack

Our two main focus are:

1. Getting as much XP as possible

2. Stomping all zerg cheats*

*Since we do not partake, but it seems almost every other player/group in this game are guilty of doing so (or at least protecting their cohorts who do), then it has been left to us to balance the scales in the direction Kevan intended.

These do not ever have to be your goals.

Feel free to respond where/when ingame you would like to meet for chat. Please include timezone.

*Also, please always include your signature when commenting here. We do not sign our own page (as that would be like signing one's own guestbook), but timestamps are not needed.

We look forward to speaking with you.

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by The Jack (talkcontribs) 01:48, 27 April 2018‎ (UTC).

I personally had wondered what The Jack's primary focus was, ZKing being the case I can stand behind that and I have confidence the rest of the group can as well (insofar as carrying extra shells should the need arise to crush said activity underfoot). as for a massive XP gain, I'd love to cap 100k someday.. most likely as undead. I've seen a good amount of zerging and noticed the word gets thrown around like an elementary school curse in this game.. it seems the majority of players don't know what metagaming is, even if you tell them. almost all of our members are EST (EDT in the summer months).. I'm currently central eastern Malton moving ESE, but will most likely be south central by the time this is read. let me know your region in-game and timezone and I'll try to figure out a good time for us to meet up (this way I'm not requesting a time that would be 3am for ya). I look forward to the chaos we'll cause to the dominant paradigm of UD!

for the record, if one of our members is targeted we do grief, but then I don't know of a better response to being griefed.

-Auralius (talk) 14:06, 4 May 2018 (UTC)