Description: A short woman with blonde hair tied into a loose bun and honey-brown eyes. She seems oddly peppy and energetic given the circumstances. She has a Yang ☯️陽 tattoo on the back of her right hand.
22 July, 2023 As if awakening from a deep sleep, I am filled with vague memories of another life. I cannot remember the details but am filled with a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. I have taken inventory both mentally and physically, and I have come to accept that my life is not one from a decade ago. What a blessing to be allowed immortality. Whether my heart is beating or not affects only my set of capabilities. Wherever I am, in whatever condition, I am me, whether Human or Zombie. My mind is my own. I Am Here Now In This.
13 December, 2007 The writing is smudged and illegible.
15 October, 2007 The writing is smudged and illegible.
14 October, 2007 The writing is smudged and illegible.
12 October, 2007 The writing is smudged and illegible.