Guimas Milhafre | ||||||||||
Guimas Milhafre
I decided to do an inter rail on my vacations with no particular direction and somehow I ended up in Malton with no money right in the middle of the outbreak.
Life in Malton
I got pushed out some off the evacuation transports, things worked a bit by influence I was left out as many other that had no influence or importance. In the first days I found shelter in some building with a few other panicked survivors and met some interesting fellows, so we shared the space, stories, worries and advise. One day searching a house I found a huge stash of Marijuana, i opened it up and this dazzling smell got loose, instantly I recognized the really great quality of the friendly plant. I prayed whomever left it there to be in a good place, and brought it to share with my friends. Those were some peaceful days, we all came with some odd theories that the smell coming from our hideout was keeping zombies away or at least making them easy.
All that quietness gave us a chance to organize and prepare, soon we found ourselves ready to face the streets of Malton as a group. Finally we could help ourselves and the others.
The amazing discovery
One night heading to Santlerville to meet Malgahara I got careless I managed to get trapped outside. As a New Born LADALian i took that situation as a test or also an experience, so i pulled my special ocasion spliff and i grabbed the didgeridoo, i needed to see the zombies reaction with my eyes. I played loud and clear free from fear this was my moment of glory. As I was playing I noticed some movement in the dark I knew they were there, but not one came near me. Finally I got spaced out and fell asleep.
I wok up with some loud groanings and gun shots, as I raised my head there was this strange feeling. I looked at my leg and there were bight marks and by the look of it I was infected.
I hurried to find a building i could enter, each step I took i felt the my heart beating slower as the infection spread, then I heard a familiar whistle coming from behind, it was Malgahara, so he ran to me realizing something bad was about to happen. We didn't have any FAK's. To calm down he lighted a shorty just to keep me busy while he went to search a nearby hospital.
The sun was rising, I gazed at the sky contemplating its beauty, I was just about to finishing the sanctimonious joint, when a flare rushed in the sky 2 or 3 blocs to NE, almost immediately some dreaded zombies came from the shadows running towards the flare, I tried to run but my legs would obey, so I pulled myself trough the corner of a building, and my vision got blurred, and all the sound faded out. I saw what seemed to be a man running to me and sliding over his knees right by my side and all went black.
It was Malgahara, he came just a little late. He dragged me into a ruined building and stood by my side, something made him think there was hope.
I rose my self as a zombie and I tried to talk but only strange stupid sounds could I pronounce, Mahalgara held some really big joint and said "Can you understand me, wait up don't make me freak out, if you don't want to smoke this I will have to kill you!" it made me laugh, i sat down for just a second when i felt this rush and anger inside growing I looked at Malgahara and I felt just like killing him was the only right and natural thing to do.
At that time, 2 crazy people rushed inside, i recognized them as egoz and Pitxena, the same feeling grew for them too. Malgahara must have noticed my eyes changing as he said something i couldn't understand anymore, egoz steped forward holding his axe, than Pitxena stretched her harm and offered me a joint they said something that again I didn't uderstand, the smoke from the joint reached my nose and It was a warm feeling. I took the joint but i didn't remember how to smoke, i looked at them, and they were making mimic at me. After that it took only 2 or 3 puffs and the anger faded. I sat down again and we laughed for a while.
They took me to St. Emelias church and Pitxena not being able to revive yet, went in to a Necrotech building to explain what happened to the other more experienced Scientists. Most of them were skeptical, but some agreed it was worth giving it a chance.
Now there is a theory about Marijuana effects making zombies friendly enough to interact with survivors.
As I was still high when I woke as a zombie it was easy to convince me to smoke. Any other zombie will attack you if not under the effects, so there is no reason to waste a good joint or life, waving them to all zombies you encounter. It is highly recommended you smoke it really fast before the zombie kills you.