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Revision as of 06:57, 23 February 2008 by Heath01 (talk | contribs)
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Malton Marshal Badge

Joined: 2-08-2006
Character class: Ass Kicker
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Malton Marshals
Character stats: Bounties Claimed-6 Undead Neutralized-22 Revives-0 Deaths-0
Journal: No Journal for Heath01



Name - Heath01
DOB - 1-31-86
Age - 22
Height - 5'8
Weight - 175
Hair - Red
Eyes - Green


Marshal, Malton Marshals

Current Assignment:

Malton Marshals
Bounty Hunter


After waking up from an eleven month long coma and regaining my bearings I stumbled around until I came across a young man that said the Second Big Bash was attacking Giddings Mall and the survivors there desperately needed help. I worked my way to Giddings and helped the survivors there hold off the never ending zombie attack. While there I witnessed an unforgivable act in which a good for nothing survivor murdered another survivor in cold blood for no apparent reason. This scene has plagued me ever since and right there and then I vowed to not let those acts go unpunished. It was then that I met an old fella that claimed he was a bounty hunter. He said his job was to punish those who murdered for no reason. He also told me he was part of the Malton Marshals and said that if I wanted to help track down and execute those murdering bastards then I should get in contact with the Department of Emergency Management and request permission to join the Malton Marshals. It is now my pleasure to honor the badge of the Malton Marshals and help those who were wronged to get a little justice.


Bounties Claimed




Weapon Master MedalFitness MedalSniper MedalEngineer Medal

Field Medic MedalAcquisition MedalRecon Specialist Medal

Marshals.png Malton Marshals
Heath01 is a member of the MM.
Join the Mashals now!
Survivor giddings stand.jpg Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the living that fought honorably against the Big Bash 2 in the one month long Battle of Giddings.

800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Bounty Hunter.gif Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Arms.gif Malton Coat of Arms
This user honors the Malton Coat of Arms.
Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Rhodes2.JPG A Colossus Of Class
This user or group is part of the New Malton Colossus.
Bringing Glorious Battle to you since 2006.