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I abide by the IP address hits thing rigidly and don't even try to get around it.

Monroeville Characters

Wolfgang Mclain

Malton Characters

Prometheus Cerberus


My character. Priest, philosopher, ordinator, and spiritualist who spends his time revving zombies at the revive clinic in Yagoton and occasionally going on excursions.


DNA Extractor- Have to know who's a rotter.

Revification Syringes- To save the condemned, and annoy the bejesus out of zeds with no survivor skills.

First Aid Kits- For doing what I do best, helping people.

Knife- Stabbity... Slashitty...!

Fire Axe- Hack and slash

Crowbar- Let me in damn you.

Flak Jacket- Vicious times.

Crucifix- Like I said, vicious times.

Four Loaded shotguns- God was feeling playful when I found these in a church

Wolfgang Lucifer


Someone I knows character (took my fantasy name). Splits her time between protecting Yagoton and going on hunts in nearby suburbs

UPDATE: I own the character now. Not her.


Wirecutters- Who knows why I'm still carrying them

Crowbar- Sometimes people will barricade everything to the extremly high level, so that it's impossible to get in for the night. You must think of others.

DNA Extractor- Gotta map their location

Binoculars- When I really dont want to go outside

Fire Axe- Hacking limps off zombies is just too much fun

Knife- For finishing them off

Four Loaded Pistols

Four Loaded Shotguns

Flak Jacket

Radio- 25.96

Radio- 26.61

Radio- 26.26

Radio- 28.66

Reciful Gnagflow


My other character, currently a ZKer/Smacker (Hits survivors/cades a couple of times and runs off... laughing... or Graaaghing... whatever.). Whenever he's revved he serves to build things.



Radio Transmitters

Fuel Cans


Fire Axe


Flak Jacket

UD People

Freindly toward

Yagoton Revivification Clinic

The Abandoned

Department of Emergency Management

In Contacts

White, will help if at all possible

Red, enemy

Black, will hunt, hurt, and kill

Grey, other











Mall (Glowing Target, almost everything you need, large building benefits)

Factory (Lengths of Pipe, Crowbar, Fuel, Generator)

Police Station (Guns, Ammo)

Tower (Binocular use, Phone Use)

Church (Healing)

Hostpital (Glowing Target, Healing)

Items everyone should have

Binoculars (Let's you observe any immediate threat's to your position)

Radio (Allows you to hear Radio Transmissions)

Mobile Phone (Allows for the sending of messages to someone with a Radio Transmitter so you don't have to lug a transmitter all over the place. Allows personal communication.)

Wine, Beer(Healing) or First Aid Kit (Do you like dying? No? Then get rid of that damn infection and heal yourself)

Revification Syringe (Do you like everyone else being dead? That was a rhetorical question, just revive them)

Crowbar (Tear apart overly done barricades)

Knife (High accuracy)

Axe (High Damage Per Use)

Shotguns (Same damage as pistol, less amount of time pulling the trigger)

Pistol (More Ammo Per Moment Searching)

Flak Jacket (Do you like being shot? This let's you do it more often.)