Edkins Auto Repair
Edkins Auto Repair
Dentonside [93,55]
Basic Info:
Formerly known as E&E Auto Repair, Edkins Auto Repair was owned by Harvey Edkins before the outbreak. This auto repair shop was well known in all Dentonside for two reasons. On the one hand it was since more than 20 years an excellent repair shop for vintage and foreign cars, that even from Spracklingbank, costumers would only bring their cars to E&E Auto Repair. On the other hand there was Mr. Edkins' hatred for Mr. Elvins, the owner of Elvins Auto Repair. Forever unforgotten will be the fight between those two mechanics infront of the Moorse Cinema because Mr. Edkins would accuse Mr. Elvins stealing from him again (later the police concluded they were fighting over the last eastern european chocolate Kasztanki for sale at the kiosk). The whereabout of Harvey Edkins is unknown.
This building is under the protection of The Dentonside Regulars.
Current Status: EHB and a generator with little fuel. May 14,2008 Turbokill