
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 20:57, 12 June 2008 by Castor (talk | contribs) (→‎Alter egos)
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Castor Rabia
Joined: 11-17-2007
Character class: Firefighter
Favorite equipment: Fire Axe
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Malton Fire Department
Character stats: Who knows?
Journal: No journal for Castor Rabia

Personnel data

Malton Fire Department, Firefighter, South West 2
Name (last, first): Rabia, Castor
DoB: July 25th, 1986
Height: 6'2"
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Occupation: Fire Fighter.
Home address: 23 Merryweather Boulevard, Williamsville
Work address: Condon Boulevard Fire Station , Williamsville, Malton
Marital status: single
Called to duty: November 17th, 2007
Awards and Merits:

Martial Merits
Sniper's Ribbon.jpg Sniper Ribbon
The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg Weaponmaster Ribbon
Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon
Fitness Ribbon.jpg Fitness Ribbon
Community Merits
Community Support Ribbon.jpg Community Support Ribbon
Engineer's Ribbon.jpg Engineer Ribbon
Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg Advanced Radio Dispatch Ribbon
Sciences Merits
Field Medicine Merit.jpg Field Medicine Merit
Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg Resident Surgeon Ribbon
Scientific Achievement Ribbon.jpg Scientific Achievement Ribbon
Field Merits
Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg Reconnissance Specialist Merit
Acquisition Ribbon.jpg Acquisition Ribbon

FireFighterBadge.gif Malton Fire Department
Castor Rabia is a member of the MFD.
Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.

Alter egos

Castor Exo
Joined: 11-19-2007
Character class: Cop
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: The Crooked Thumb
Character stats: Ambiguous
Journal: No journal for Castor Exo

The Crooked Thumb temp.jpg The Crooked Thumb!
This user is a member of The Crooked Thumb.
Castor Zina
Silent hill nurse.jpg
Joined: 10-18-2007
Character class: Corpse
Favorite equipment: Hands
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Undead
Character group: None
Character stats: Dead
Journal: No journal for Castor Zina

Joined: 11-20-2007
Character class: Scientist
Favorite equipment: DNA Extractor
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Missing in Action (Possibly Retired)
Character group: Malton Forensics Unit
Character stats: Few
Journal: No journal for Laby
River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Vandalism.gif IT NEVER ENDS!
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.
PulpFiction.jpg Pulp Fiction
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?