Flowers of Disease/Recruitment

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"...What the FOD does should be commended. I mean, there are too many useless survivor groups doing nothing whatsoever other than hastening Malton's decay..." - Chaoticar, former FoD victim.

"As a Philosophe Knight I am loathe to ever endorse another PKer group besides my own. However, the Flowers of Disease are well deserving of all endorsements and new recruits that can be sent their way." - DT, Philosophe Knights

We are looking for members who will be active in the campaigns. Large groups tend to be heavy with 'floaters' who are there in name only. We hope to avoid this and thus we want to keep the group at a reasonable number.

If you fit the prerequisites below, maybe you can be one of us!

Our prerequisites?

  1. Level 10 or higher.
  2. An active team player. We don't want loose cannons or players who are with the group in name only.
  3. When the time comes, you CAN pull the trigger.
  4. Experience with Shotguns, Pistols and Fireaxe's. If you can also use Necrotech Syringes, that's a plus.
  5. Agree with the FOD mission statement.
  6. You must be willing to participate in an initial assignment or two where we can assess your compatibility with the group before being granted full membership. We want to have fun but at the same time, we are not out to swell our ranks with slugs. We're willing to wait for the right people.

Flowers of Disease - The Front Porch


I am disgusted by your disgust at my disgust!!

We make our own policies. We don't have time for other groups' bureaucracy. We do what we need to do in order to stay alive and make our campaigns a success.