Journal:General Patton II

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Journal: General Patton II

File:Anaconda Pass.png

<font-size:150%>Chapter #1: Duplicity

Tommy Trang, one of the most decorated soilders of the United Stats Army, and one of the most disobedient at the same time, steps out of his jail cell, Hands cuffed in front of him and shackled to to a second pair around his feet, begins to walk down the narrow hallway escorted by two armed security guards.

His orange jumpsuit covers up most of the work, but, many tattoos still show from the opening at the sleeves and neck. All of which are Japanese in design, to match his status in the Japanese Mob known as the Yakuza.

He walks with a air of confidence, a cocky additude with each step, as if he has no equal. A corner smile gives off the evil grin he is known for right before he kills someone, Which to date mark over 137 deaths accounted for, as a hitman. The court system however appointed a mistrial due to tampered evidence thanks to some rookie NYPD. He now walks free and clear of all charges. Everyone knows it was a set up but their is no way to prove as such.

The words Attica Correctional Facility and his prison number 1008315 are seen on the back of his uniform, as Tommy looks over his shoulder at one of the guards, he says.

"Ya knows I'ms gonna miss you fuckahs. Sorry bouts the broken rib their Bob."

"You'll be back in no time. Guys like you are why we should install a revolving door in this place. That broken rib, will be payed in full when you return ... that's a promise.

Yeah well, Bob, I'lls tell da wife you said hello as I put her to sleep after some quality time between us. I hear you aren't able to satisfy her anymore, all dem 'roids you takin'."

This remark is met by a quick strong clubbing of a nightstick to the back of Tommys head. Which in turn, makes him him stop walking and cock his head to the side slightly. He then turns to look over his shoulder at Bob.

"Just for thats, I'm gonna kill your wife, and daughter, as you watch helplessly, and I am going to do it very, very slowly, and painfully. After I am done your gonna watch as I ...

Bob, goes mental and grabs Tommy and begins to beat him with everything he can muster. This hulk of a man is only a few inches taller, but out weighs Tommy by a easy 80 pounds of pure muscle. The second guard quickly reacts and pulls Bob off of him, not for his safety but, to keep his job.

"Now see, doing that will only end up making me rich, I'll see ya ass in court, you just bought me a new house.

The lights suddenly go out, as Tommy looses consciousness, from a beat down from both of the guards.


Hours later, Tommy, is back at his loft talking on the phone with his lawyer, while nursing a fat lip and bruised cheek.

"I want that bastards job for this! He ain't gonna get ... one second, call on the other line."


"Tommy, it's, (Coughing fit) it's your sister. I need your help. Their is something going on here, and it's getting out of control. Their is some type of super virus going around, I think it's rabies or something, (Sobbing) people are dying and attacking one another, I tried to get out of here, and the border is blocked off by military, and they won't let anyone pass. Some guys were on the news trying to get out, and ... my god Tommy, the military killed them.

To make matters worse, some homeless drunk psycho scratched me the other day, and I ain't feeling so good. I'm scared, really fuckin' scared. Get me out of here please Tommy, I don't know what else to do."

Relax Sis, where are you? I'll get their right away.

Tommy quickly writes down the information, and tries to book a flight to Malton, however he finds out all flights to and from are being rerouted to other area due to a quarentine. In light of this he books a flight to the closest area he can in hopes to be able to sneak into the area. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

<font-size:150%>Chapter #2: